Press Release: European Commission calls for immediate resumption of talks in order to avoid a new war in Somalia

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/1823 (18.12.06)
Publication Date 18/12/2006
Content Type

The European Commissioner for development for humanitarian aid, Louis Michel, on 18 December 2006 expressed the deepest concern of the European Union at the deteriorating security situation in Somalia and the risk of an imminent conflict between the Transitional Federal Government and the Supreme Council of Islamic Courts. He said: "I call upon all parties to refrain from engaging in a war that cannot be won by anyone. The spoilers and warmongers of all sorts that seek conflict in order to prevail militarily are fooling themselves as well as the Somali people. The Somali people are tired of war and violence. They crave and deserve peace, security and development for their country, and a chance to build decent livelihoods and a future for their children. A new war in Somalia will have tragic consequences not just for the people of Somalia but for the whole region and beyond. We simply cannot afford for that to happen."

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