Press Release: Mental health: Commission releases report about Green paper consultation and publishes Eurobarometer survey

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/1685 (5.12.06)
Publication Date 05/12/2006
Content Type

On 5 December 2006 the Commission published a report about the results of a consultation on a European Commission Green paper on Mental Health, launched in October 2005. On the same occasion, it presented the results of an Eurobarometer survey on mental wellbeing. The survey indicates that 13% of respondents have sought psychological help over the last 12 months. 7% of EU citizens have been treated for psychological or emotional problems with medication, while those in psychotherapy average 3% and in hospital 1%. Women, the elderly, the retired and house persons are most likely to feel unwell, both physically and emotionally. Mental ill health has high negative effects on working life and social relations. Stigma is not overwhelming but significant: 37% of respondents think that people with psychological problems constitute a danger to others. Most respondents to the consultation called for an EU mental health strategy, to foster mental health prevention and promotion and combat stigma.

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