Manufacture of glass, ceramics and cement in Europe

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.21, 2006 (1.9.06)
Publication Date 01/09/2006
ISSN 1561-4840
EC KS-NP-06-021-EN-N
Content Type

The manufacture of glass, ceramics and cement (NACE 26) provided jobs to 1.5 million people and generated EUR 69 billion in value-added in the EU-25 in 2003. This was respectively 1.4 % of the total number employed and 1.5 % of total value-added in the non-financial business economy as a whole. Manufacture of cement and concrete was the largest sub-sector. Energy costs accounted for six percent of the operating costs. Small and medium sized enterprises (1-249 persons employed) employed more than 63 % of the workforce and 53% of EU-25 value added in this sector.

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