Press Release: Spain: Commission takes legal action to ensure protection for birds and wildlife

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/1395 (13.10.06)
Publication Date 13/10/2006
Content Type

The European Commission has decided to pursue legal action against Spain over three breaches of EU laws designed to protect birds and wildlife. Two cases concern the impact of the development of road projects on wildlife – the Iberian Lynx in the Doñana area (Andalucia) and various species in the area of 'Encinares del río Alberche y río Cofio' (Madrid region). The third case is brought to prevent illegal hunting of migrant birds in spring in the province of Vizcaya following a previous decision of the Court of Justice. In the Iberian Lynx and in the spring hunting case, the Commission is warning Spain for the last time that Court action will be taken unless the breaches cease.

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