Press Release: Anna Diamantopoulou opens on-line mailbox today on new gender equality policy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/216 (1.3.00)
Publication Date 01/03/2000

European Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou called on the 1.3.00 for web comments to help prepare a new, stronger programme on gender equality scheduled from 2001 in a document called 'Gender equality: a joint approach for a new programme, 2001-2005'. This is the first time such a consultation has been opened up to the public in this way. The aim is to construct an 'umbrella' programme embracing all EU policies in an effort to clinch gender equality. The programme will be built around clear assessment criteria, benchmarking and evaluation. This approach marks an important change from previous EU programmes on equal opportunities for women and men, which only included specific actions, funded mainly by a single specific budget line. Under the new approach, all Commission services will be invited to identify their activities to promote gender equality including gender mainstreaming policies and/or concrete actions targeted on women. Anna Diamantopoulou said: 'The human rights of women are an integral part of universal human rights. They are fundamental rights that include the right to participate fully, as equal partners, in all aspects of life. I am determined to make full use of the new potential presented by the changes in the Treaty of Amsterdam which has also strengthened gender equality provisions'.

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