Press Release: Anna Diamantopoulou welcomes support of telecoms unions and operators for Lisbon summit.

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/271 (20.3.00)
Publication Date 20/03/2000

As a contribution to the Lisbon Summit, UNI-Europa Telecom, the telecoms section of the European trade union federation UNI and a number of major telecoms employers have sent a joint letter to European Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou declaring their wish to play a leading role in the process of modernisation of their sector. To this end, they highlight that partnership in key areas such as training and work organisation is essential to ensure successful change in the interest both of employees and companies. Anna Diamantopoulou said 'The major telecoms operators and trade unions are leading the way towards 'the learning company' and modern work organisation: a key contribution to the Lisbon Summit'.

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