Publisher | Chadwyck-Healey Ltd |
Series Title | European Access |
Series Details | No.1 February |
Publication Date | February 2000 |
ISSN | 0264-7362 |
Content Type | Overview |
The two documents can be seen on the European Commission site [ ] Background It has become practice over the past few years when a new European Commission comes into office that it publishes an overall vision of its forthcoming five-year period of office. This is not a legal requirement but is becoming standard procedure. The tradition of presenting to the European Parliament a Commission programme for the forthcoming year (often also encompassing a review of the previous year) goes right back to the beginning of the European Economic Community. For example, Walter Hallstein as the first President of the European Commission made a statement to the European Parliamentary Assembly on its first day of operation on 20 March 1958 on the work of the European Commission. This evolved over the years to formally become known as the 'Programme of the Commission' presented by the Commission President to the European Parliament in January or February each year. In the last few years, in the context of greater openness and transparency, the Commission has published a 'Work' or 'Legislative' Programme at an earlier time (usually in the autumn) outlining legislative and other initiatives for the forthcoming calendar year. The first of these was issued in November 1993. The Bulletin of the European Communities, No.11, November 1993, p112 says that the legislative programme has the following function: With the exceptional circumstances surrounding the resignation of the Santer Commission in 1999 the presentation of the work programme for the new Prodi Commission for the year 2000 was delayed from the autumn of 1999 to February 2000. Each of the other EU Institutions usually adopt a formal opinion in the following months commenting upon the Commission's Programme. Strategic Objectives, 2000-2005
Collective problems require united responses, but at a time when faith in the EU is at a low ebb. The Commission outlines its responses to these challenges under four headings:
The full text of the Strategic Objectives document is available: , while a summary appears in European Commission: Press Release: IP/00/133. The full text was also issued as: European Commission: Document: DOC/00/4. Work Programme for 2000 The Programme is keen to stress that the introduction of new initiatives is only part of the work of the Commission. Much of the Commission's work is involved in the process of steering through on-going initiatives through the stages from consultation to final legislation and/or execution of decisions taken. A new service launched recently by the Secretariat-General of the European Commission called PreLex [ ][scroll down to 'Pending proposals..., and choose subject] allows one to trace the status of all existing Commission policy and legislative proposals in the EU's policy-making system. In addition, the Commission indicates that much of its work is associated with the managing, implementing and policing of existing legislation and programmes. The Work Programme for 2000 [ ] is broken down into the following sections:
In addition, there is an Annex, [ ] which contains a detailed 'indicative list of actions foreseen' under the headings:
It is possible to access the Work Programmes for the years 1996- [ ] A retrospective examination of the European Commission's work can be accessed through the annual General Report on the Activities of the European Union [ ] and the monthly Bulletin of the European Union [ |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |