Press Release: Commission organises public hearing in ‘Unbundled access to the local loop’ to increase choice for telecommunications users, Brussels, 22.2.00

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/168 (16.2.00)
Publication Date 16/02/2000

The European Commission organised a public hearing on 'Unbundled Access to the Local Loop' in Brussels on Tuesday 22 February 2000, in advance of a possible Commission Recommendation to be addressed to Member States. A working document prepared by the Directorate General Information Society has been published to serve as the basis for an exchange of view with interested parties at the public hearing. The hearing has to be seen in the context of the Commission initiative for eEurope launched on 8 December 1999, in which a target date of December 2000 is set for the provision of unbundled access to incumbents' local loops.

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