Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, April 1999

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date April 1999
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type


InfoGrant is produced by EPRC Ltd, an associate company of the University of Strathclyde, and was developed from the AIMS database. It is available on the web - the version which is discussed here - or on disk with monthly or quarterly updates and an interface very similar to the web product. The web version is, however, more up to date with daily updates giving details of changes and new developments. EPRC Ltd also offers a one-off report service through its Grants Search Service or it is possible to subscribe to the InfoGrant News Service which supplies weekly updates via e-mail. Listing some 1,800 grants and other incentives at present, InfoGrant covers not just EU supported projects but also UK government departments' initiatives as well as regional and local assistance. It identifies opportunities relating to such areas as research and development, training and employment, exporting and marketing, business support and expansion, and environmental improvement amongst others.

The web service is clearly laid out with a simple interface. It operates through a series of check boxes and forward or back buttons with the opportunity to return to the main menu at any time. The main menu offers access through icons to a variety of routes: company/project profile, news, keyword search, administering department (e.g. EC or EIB), agricultural support or completion of a client questionnaire.

To search by company or project profile, information is completed on screen relating to location by local authority or by post code; type of incentive (including options such as grants, loans, loan guarantees, tax relief, challenge funding, export credits, consultancy); size of firm; industrial sector (manufacturing, services or both with the opportunity to add more specific information such as biotechnology, chemicals, education/academic, media, training, transport etc.); and purpose of project under the following broad headings: general investment/business development; exporting/overseas investment/development; training and employment; innovation/R+D; environment; energy; or specialised projects, with the facility to specify more precisely under each heading. For example, under specialised projects, sub-headings such as crafts, heritage conservation, countryside improvement, community/social projects and public health are listed. Finally the profile requests information on the enterprise type, identifying under the 17 categories listed private sector business, voluntary sector, local enterprise agency, higher or further education institutions, co-operatives, and arts and sports organisations.

Once the specifications are completed, clicking on the 'Submit selections' button will carry out the search. Results can be viewed in the amount of detail required with a 'Select all sections' option as an alternative to being able to check off from sections entitled titles, summary, awarding body, location criteria, industry criteria, size criteria, duration, timing of application, other eligibility criteria, eligible expenditure, rate of award, payment procedure, points to note, application procedure and further information. Full reports can be quite lengthy with clear details of how to apply and who to contact for more information. They can be viewed, printed or saved to disk.

As an alternative to creating a profile to identify appropriate funding opportunities, the database can be searched by keyword either in the title (the default option) or in the title and text. Your browser's Edit and Find function can be used to pinpoint a further search term. Yet another approach is by 'Administering Department' which allows selection by the sponsoring body, e.g. European Commission. Though the majority of the entries relate to the private sector, material is also included appropriate to the public sector, voluntary organisations and educational institutions. Agricultural support has its own separate icon on the initial menu. Of the approximately 1,800 schemes currently listed, some 180 derive from the EU.

The other main feature of the database is the News section which is updated daily and gives the latest information on changes and new developments, policy statements, relevant conferences, seminars and publications, including brief details of EC calls for proposals. Arranged in reverse chronological order and displaying the last fifty headlines, it is simple to scan for titles added since the database was last searched. Brief details of EC calls outline the subject of the initiative, its Official Journal of the European Communities reference, deadline date and application contact information.

A companion database is InfoRules which gives clear explanations of EU and UK business regulations and services, e.g. company law, trade marks, health and safety, taxation. It is also available on the web with daily updates, or on disk with quarterly updates.

Various price structures are offered but indicative charges are £2,500 for an annual subscription to InfoGrant on the web or £1,500 for unlimited access on the web to InfoRules. Preferential rates apply where both are taken. For full details and a trial contact:

40 George Street
Glasgow G1 1QE
Tel: +44-(0)141-548-3933
Fax: +44-(0)141-458-4898
Web site:

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions