EU contract funding and other financial opportunities: DAPHNE

Series Title
Series Details No.2 April
Publication Date April 1999
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

EU contract funding and other financial opportunities:

DAPHNE. The Commission has issued its first call for proposals 1999 under the Daphne Initiative: measures for combating violence against children, young people and women. In this case the call relates specifically to the area of telephone helplines for children and young people. A wider second call has also been issued.
Source: Official Journal C60, 2.3.99, p22; Official Journal C69, 12.3.99, p18 (second call)
Deadline: 8.5.99; 18.6.99 (second call)
Further details: Fax: +32-2-295-01-74, or

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions