Publisher | Chadwyck-Healey Ltd |
Series Title | European Access |
Series Details | No.4 August |
Publication Date | August 1999 |
ISSN | 0264-7362 |
Content Type | Overview |
European airline industry. The Commission has adopted a Communication called 'The European airline industry: from Single Market to worldwide challenges', as part of the Commission's ongoing commitment to monitor the impact of liberalisation on the civil aviation market to ensure that it delivers advantages both to operators and the flying public. While expressing satisfaction at the positive trends recorded in the recent years in the EU, the Communication warns that European airlines are still commercially fragile when compared to their main - principally North American - competitors. Source: COM (1999)182 final (20.5.99); Press Release (Commission), IP/99/339 (21.5.99) |
Subject Categories | Culture, Education and Research |
Countries / Regions | Europe |