Annual report of the Cohesion Fund 1997

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 1999
ISBN 92-828-5316-0
EC CX-17-98-435-EN-C
Content Type ,


This annual report on the activities of the Cohesion Fund covers the calendar year 1997. It has, however, been necessary to include some remarks on its activities since it was set up in 1993 as well as comments on planned measures for the future in order to give the reader a full picture of the current affairs of the Fund.

The reporting format reflects the detailed requirements of the annex to Annex II to the Cohesion Fund regulation. Although it is very similar to previous reports, comments made by the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on earlier reports have been duly taken into account and adjustments made in the presentation.

The report fulfils the legal requirements of the Cohesion Fund regulation. It is hoped that it will also serve as a useful reference for all who are interested in the promotion and furtherance of the economic and social cohesion of the Union.

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Official Journal, C374: Opinion of the Committee of the Regions
Official Journal, C116: Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee

Subject Categories
International Organisations