Faull & Nikpay: The EC law of competition

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 1999
ISBN 0-19-876538-X
Content Type

Book abstract:

Today, EC Competition law ranks in the first division of the world's antitrust regimes. This book aims to provide a practical guide to European Competition law, economics and policy. Over 1000 pages in length and written entirely by a team of current and former officials at the Competition Directorate (DGIV) of the European Commission, it provides a concise description of the law and the accomplishments of the past forty years, explains the rationale underpinning the law and attempts to identify some of the problems that may arise in the future.
Additionally a great deal of the book is devoted to dealing with specific sectors of the economy. There are a number of self-contained chapters drawing upon the expertise of relevant officials in the fields of: communications, energy, financial services and transport.
The contents are: Part I General Principles: containing the chapters The economics of competition; Article 81; Article 82 - abuse of a dominant position; Mergers; and Article 86 - exclusive rights and other anti-competitive state measures. Part II Specific Practices contains the chapters: Horizontal agreements; Vertical agreements; and Intellectual property. Part III Special Sectors contains the chapters: Financial services; Energy; Communications (telecoms, media and internet); and Transport.
The book has been written specifically with the competition law practitioner in mind, providing comprehensive coverage of the principles, legislation and case-law, emphasis on how law and policy are interpreted and applied in practice, and providing guidance on areas that are still undecided and on likely future developments. In sum, The EC law of competition, is an essential guide for all practitioners and regulatory officials whose work touches upon EC competition/antitrust law and practice.

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