Concern rises over refugees’ rights ahead of Tampere

Series Title
Series Details Vol.5, No.37, 14.10.99, p4
Publication Date 14/10/1999
Content Type

Date: 14/10/1999

By Gareth Harding

CONCERN is growing that this weekend's special EU summit on law and order issues could lead to the strengthening of 'fortress Europe' at the expense of refugees' rights.

These fears were first highlighted in a letter from European Commission President Romano Prodi to the Finnish presidency, in which he warned that the Union leaders' meeting could be seen as "repressive" and that this impression could only be allayed by placing an equal emphasis on citizens' rights.

The United Nations and dozens of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have joined in the chorus of concern, warning governments not to use the summit to clamp down on genuine asylum-seekers.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata said the distinction between refugees and migrants was becoming blurred and pleaded with member states to "ensure that the policies and practices designed to control irregular immigration do not jeopardise the rights of refugees and asylum seekers".

The UNHCR is calling on governments to base any common asylum and immigration policy firmly on the 1951 international convention on refugees. It is also urging EU countries to agree a common approach for dealing with large influxes of migrants.

Amnesty International has gone further, warning of a "serious risk that heads of state and government will simply confirm years of increasing control and a de facto lock-out policy" when they meet in Tampere tomorrow (15 October).

The new action plans to combat migration from five key countries have been broadly welcomed by NGOs. They are, however, pressing governments to take a more liberal approach to sending refugees back home.

Concern is growing that the special EU summit on law and order issues could lead to the strengthening of 'fortress Europe' at the expense of refugees' rights.

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