Miscellaneous news: Europe Direct

Series Title
Series Details No.4 August
Publication Date August 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Miscellaneous news:
Europe Direct:
The Commission have launched 'Europe Direct' to inform European citizens about their rights within the Single Market, as an extension of its Citizens First initiative. 'Europe Direct' includes a mailbox service for questions about general EU issues; a new 'EU-Routemap for Jobseekers' and other guides, which give a general overview of rights and opportunities in the Single Market, plus contacts for further information; a jobs database, linked to the EURES network; and a series of detailed Factsheets which explain, topic by topic, people's rights in each of the EU Member States. Factsheets cover such issues as how to obtain a residence permit, how to get a diploma recognised and how to complain about an unsafe product. The service operates by way of free (or low rate) telephone numbers (from the UK the number is 0800-581591) or by e-mail. The information is also available on the Internet at http://europa.eu.int/citizensrights/

In 1999 'Europe Direct' will extend to include a new call centre which will give access to all 'Europe Direct' services and will cover a broad range of Community topics; a wide range of new publications on individual rights, including a guide to 'How to exercise your EU rights at local, national and European level'; an information service for business (based upon existing information networks).

Further details:
Press Release (European Commission), IP/98/544 (14.6.98). Obtainable on the RAPID database on the Internet at http://www.europa.eu.int/rapid/start/welcome.htm

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