EU series and periodicals: 1998 subscription prices

Series Title
Series Details No.1 February
Publication Date February 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

EU series and periodicals: 1998 subscription prices:
Below is a list of the 1998 subscription prices for the EU series and periodicals available from the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (EUR-OP) and its sales agents. In the UK, contact the Subscription Department at The Stationery Office (Tel: +44-(0)171-873-0011). EUR-OP designates all prices in ECU. The sterling figures are those given by The Stationery Office (exclusive of VAT, which is payable on all CD-ROMs). When ordering please use the code given in square brackets after the title. The prices quoted are for a calendar year. Please note if a subscription is taken out during the course of a year, titles from the beginning of the year cannot be obtained retrospectively.

Agricultural Markets - Prices [VAI]
Four issues a year
ISSN: 1014-8159
EC No. CH-AZ-98-000-IF-C
Price: 122.00 ECU; £86.00

Agricultural Prices Indices [VXC]
Four issues a year + glossary
ISSN: 1015-9924
EC No. CA-CI-98-000-3A-C
Price: 105.00 ECU; £74.00

Agricultural Statistics (complete) [VXT]
Comprises VXA, VXB and VXC
Price: 270.00 ECU; £190.00

Animal Production: Quarterly Statistics[VXB]
Four issues a year + glossary
ISSN: 0250-6580
EC No. CA-BF-98-000-3A-C
Price: 105.00 ECU; £74.00

Asylum Seekers [VSA]
Four issues a year
EC No. CA-DG-98-000-EN-C
Price: 20.00 ECU; £14.00

Balance of Payments Quarterly [VQB]
Four issues a year
ISSN: 1023-1021
EC No. CA-BK-98-000-EN-C
Price: 30.00 ECU; £21.00

Binding Tariff Information [OCDR15]
Price: 50.00 ECU; £35.00 (CD-ROM)

Bulletin of the European Union [VLA]
Comprises Bulletin + supplements
Price: 152.00 ECU; £107.00

Bulletin of the European Union (complete) [VLT]
11 issues a year with first supplement + index
ISSN: 0378-3693
EC No. CM-AA-98-000-EN-C
Price: 190.00 ECU; £133.00

Bulletin (Economic and Social Committee) [VBX]
Ten issues a year
EC No. ESC-95-001-EN
Price: Free (direct from ESC)

Bulletin of Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market [OCOHB] (See also Taurus) Approximately fifty issues a year
Price: 1,500.00 ECU; £1,050.00 (CD-ROM only)/2,000.00 ECU; £1,400 (paper and CD-ROM)

Committee of the Regions [VWRI]
Number of issues to be defined
Price: 155.00 ECU; £109.00

Community Trade Marks Bulletin [VWBO]
Price: 1,500.00 ECU; £1050.00

COMEXT Intra/Extra EU Trade (Monthly Normal Version) [OCDR00]
ISSN: 0258-1922
EC No. CA-CK-98-000-3A-Z
Price: 4020.00 ECU; £2,814.00 (single user) (CD-ROM)

COMEXT Intra/Extra EU Trade (Monthly Library Version) [OCDR02]
ISSN: 1017-6594
EC No. CA-CK-98-L00-3A-Z
Price: 1,008.00 ECU; £706.00 (CD-ROM)

Consumer Price Index [VHX]
withdrawn for 1998

EC No. CD-AG-98-000-EN-Z
Price: 250.00 ECU; £175.00 (CD-ROM)

Crop Production: Semestrial Statistics [VXA]
Two issues a year + glossary
ISSN: 0378-3588
EC No. CA-AD-98-000-3A-C
Price: 93.00 ECU; £66.00

DGIV - Merger Decisions [VMG]
Six issues a year + supplement in 1999
Price: 300.00 ECU; £210.00

EC Economic Data Pocket Book [VBO]
Eleven issues a year + three supplements
EC No. CA-CZ-98-000-3A-Z
Price: 114.00 ECU; £80.00

ECU-EMS Information [VGX]
Twelve issues a year with Statistics in Focus, Economy and Finance
ISSN: 1011-0844
EC No. CA-CA-98-000-EN-C
Price: 120.00 ECU; £84.00

Twelve issues a year + eight supplements
ISSN: 1022-6540
EC No.CA-CA-98-000-3A-C
Price: 348.00 ECU; £244.00

Energy in Europe [VCX]
Two issues + one special issue a year
ISSN: 1017-6705
EC No. CS-BI-98-000-4H-C
Price: Free from 1998

Energy Monthly Statistics [VVD]
Twelve issues a year with glossary
ISSN: 0258-3569
EC No. CA-BX-98-000-3A-C
Price: 102.00 ECU; £72.00

ESA - Employment [VTB]
Price: 24.00 ECU; £17.00

ESA - Employment and Social Affairs[VTA]
Twenty four issues a year
Price: 210.00 ECU; £147.00

ESA - Equality of Opportunities[VTC]
Price: 36.00 ECU; £26.00

ESA - European Social Funds[VTI]
Price: 48.00 ECU; £34.00

ESA - Health and Safety[VTF]
Price: 36.00 ECU; £26.00

ESA - Public Health[VTE]
Price: 36.00 ECU; £26.00

ESA - Social dialogue + rights[VTG]
Price: 36.00 ECU; £26.00

ESA - Social protection + rights[VTH]
Price: 36.00 ECU; £26.00

Euro Abstracts[VKA]
Twelve issues a year
ISSN: 0014-2352
EC No. CD-AH-98-000-EN-C
Price: Free from 1998

European Economy[VED]
Two issues a year + Reports and Studies
ISSN: 0379-0991
EC No. CM-AR-98-000-EN-C
Price: 112.00 ECU; £79.00

European Economy: Supplement A: Recent Economic Trends[VEA]
Eleven issues a year
ISSN: 0379-2056
EC No. CM-AS-98-000-EN-C
Price: 46.00 ECU; £33.00

European Economy: Supplement B: Business and Consumer Survey Results[VEB]
Eleven issues a year
ISSN: 0379-2110
EC No. CM-AT-98-000-EN-C
Price: 46.00 ECU; £33.00

European Economy: Supplements A and B[VEE]
Price: 90.00 ECU; £65.00

European Economy: Supplement C Economic Reform Monitor[VEC]
EC No. CM-AU-98-000-EN-C
Price: 24.00 ECU; £17.00

European Economy - global subscription[VET]
Comprises VEA, VEB and VED
Price: 190.00 ECU; £133.00

European System of Accounts[OCVMX]
Four issues a year
Price: 200.00 ECU; £140.00 (paper and CD-ROM)/150.00 ECU; £105.00 (CD-ROM only)

European Vocational Training Journal(European Centre for the Development ov Vocational Training) [VFI]
Three issues a year
ISSN: 0378-5068
EC No. HX-AA-98-000-EN-C
Price: 15.00 ECU; £11.00

Euroscientia Forum[VSF]
Four issues a year
Price: 30.00 ECU; £21.00

Eurostatistics - Data for Short-Term Economic Analysis[VHI]
Twelve issues a year with Statistics in Focus, Regions
ISSN: 0252-8266
EC No. CA-BJ-98-000-3A-C
Price: 180.00 ECU; £126.00

Eurostatistics - Data for Short-Term Analysis/Indicators of EU[VHB]
Withdrawn in 1998

External Trade Intrastat Monthly Statistics[VQI]
Eleven issues a year + two supplements
ISSN: 1017-6004
EC No. CA-AR-98-000-EN-C
Price: 204.00 ECU; £143.00

Indicators of the EU[VCB]
Withdrawn in 1998

Iron and Steel - Monthly Statistics[VOA]
Twelve issues a year with Statistics in Focus, Industry and Energy
ISSN: 0378-7559
EC No. CA-BA-98-000-3A-C
Price: 102.00 ECU; £72.00

Key figures - Bulletin of Economic Trends[VCC]
Eleven issues a year
EC No. CA-DC-98-000-EN-C
Price: 102.00 ECU; £72.00

List of Members of the European Parliament[VPEL]
Four issues a year
Price: 30.00 ECU; £21.00

Merger Decisions[VMG]

Money and Finance[VNI]
Four issues a year
ISSN: 0255-6510
EC No. CA-BQ-98-000-3A-C
Price: 68.00 ECU; £48.00

Official Gazette of the Community Plant Variety Office[VST]
Six issues a year + annual report
EC No. AV-AB-98-000-1F-C
Price: 80.00 ECU; £56.00

Official Journal of the European Communities-Series C and L + Directory of Community Legislation in Force[VJA]
Approximately daily
ISSN: 0378-6986/0378-6978
EC No. FX-AC-98-000-EN-C/FX-AL-97-000-EN-C
Price: 768.00 ECU; £538.00*

Official Journal of the European Communities-Series C and L-CD-ROM [OCDJOL]
Price: 300.00 ECU; £210.00 (launch price for subscribers to VJA or VJM); 600.00 ECU; £420.00 (for new subscribers)

Official Journal of the European Communities-Series C and L + Directory of Community Legislation in Force[VJM]
Microfiche format
Price: 700.00 ECU; £490.00

Official Journal of the European Communities-Supplement[VJB]
Approximately daily
ISSN: 0378-7273
EC No. FX-AS-98-000-EN-C
Price: 1080.00 ECU; £756.00*

Official Journal of the European Communities-Series C ('Notification of open competitions' only) [VJC]
ISSN: 0378-6986
EC No. FX-AC-98-000-EN-A
Price: 30.00 ECU; £21.00

Official Journal of the European Communities- Series S - CD-ROM [OCDJOS]
ISSN: 0378-7273
EC No.FX-AS-98-000-EN-C
Price: 600.00 ECU; £420.00 + VAT

Official Journal of the European Communities: Annex: Debates of the European Parliament[VII]
ISSN: 0378-5041
EC No. AX-AA-98-000-EN-C
Price: 285.00 ECU; £200.00

Official Journal of the European Communities: Annex: Debates of the European Parliament[VIM]
Microfiche format
Price: Unavailable at the time of publication

Official Journal: Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market[VWJO]
Twelve issues a year
EC No. AH-AA-98-000-5D-C
Price: 200.00 ECU; £140.00

Panorama of EC Industry - Short Term Supplement+ special edition[VPA]
Eleven issues a year + six supplements
Price: 162.00 ECU; £114.00

Quarterly National Accounts/ESA[VMX]
Four issues a year with Statistics in Focus, Economy and Finance
ISSN: 1010-1764
EC No. CA-BY-98-000-EN-C
Price: 99.00 ECU; £70.00

Recent Publications on the European Communities, received by the Library [VBB]
Twelve issues a year and supplements
ISSN: 0257-1080
EC No. CC-BJ-98-000-9A-C
Price: 183.00 ECU; £129.00

Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities, Vol.38 (Judgments for the year 1997) [VZI]
ISSN: 1022-842X
EC, No. DX-AB-98-000-EN-C
Price: 170.00 ECU; £119.00

European Courts Report - Reports of European Community Staff Cases (1997) [VZP]
ISSN: 1023-4209
EC No. DX-AE-98-000-EN-C
Price: 70.00 ECU; £49.00

Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and Reports of Staff Cases (Global subscription 1997) [VZT]
Price: 205.00 ECU; £144.00

Results of the Business Survey carried out among Managements in the Community[VYI]
Twelve issues a year
ISSN: 0378-4479
EC No. CM-AD-98-000-9A-C
Price: 100.00 ECU; £70.00

SCAD Bulletin [VRI]
Approximately weekly (forty four issues)
ISSN: 0256-3096
EC No. CM-BH-98-000-9A-C
Price: 320.00 ECU; £224.00

Short Term Trends in Distributive Trade Services and Transport[VOS]
Eleven issues a year with Statistics in Focus, Services and Transport
Price: 84.00 ECU; £59.00

Social Europe [VTD]
Replaced by ESA publications

Statistics in Focus (formerly Rapid Reports) (Regions, Population and social conditions, Industry and energy, Agriculture, Foreign trade, Services and transport, Economy and finance, Environment) [VAZ]
Irregular (approximately seventy to eighty issues a year)
Price: 348.00 ECU; £244.00

Statistics in Focus - Economy and Finance[VAZA]
ISSN: 1016-0213
EC No. CA-NJ-98-000-EN-C
Price: 85.00 ECU; £60.00

Statistics in Focus - Population and Social Finances[VAZB]
ISSN: 1016-0205
EC No. CA-NK-98-000-EN-C
Price: 85.00 ECU; £60.00

Statistics in Focus - Energy and Industry[VAZC]
ISSN: 1024-4328
EC No. CA-NL-98-000-EN-C
Price: 85.00 ECU; £60.00

Statistics in Focus-Agriculture, Sylviculture & Fisheries [VAZD]
ISSN: 1017-5776
EC No. CA-NN-98-000-EN-C
Price: 85.00 ECU; £60.00

Statistics in Focus - Foreign Trade [VAZE]
ISSN: 1017-5792
EC No. CA-NO-98-000-EN-C
Price: 85.00 ECU; £60.00

Structure and industrial activiy in the EU[OCDIA0](CD-ROM only)
Two issues a year
Price: 220.00 ECU; £154.00

Taurus Basis [OCOHT1]
Four issues a year
Price: 1,500.00 ECU; £1,050.00 (CD-ROM)

Taurus Basis + Bulletin of OHIM[OCOHT]
Four issues of Taurus Basis CD-ROM + fifty issues of Bulletin
Price: 2,000.00 ECU; £1,400 (paper or CD-ROM version of Bulletin)/2,500.00 ECU; £1,750.00 (paper + CD-ROM version of Bulletin)

Terminologie et Traduction [VKX]
Three issues a year
ISSN: 0256-7873
EC No. C4-BM-98-000-9A-C
Price: 52.00 ECU; £37.00

Unemployment [VXI]
Eleven issues a year + four supplements
ISSN: 0252-9920
EC No. CA-BH-98-000-EN-C
Price: 102.00 ECU; £72.00

Documents: 1998 subscriptions:
COM Documents
1,200.00 ECU; £840.00 (Paper)
470.00 ECU; £329.00 (Microfiche)

EP Reports

Contact The Stationery Office for prices (unavailable at the time of publication) (Microfiche)

Opinions and Reports (of the Economic and Social Committee)
462.00 ECU; £324.00 (Paper)
160.00 ECU; £112.00 (Microfiche)

Combined subscription
1,596.00 ECU; £1,118.00 (Paper)
590.00 ECU; £413.00 (Microfiche) (Combined subscription means COM Documents, Committee of the Regions and Opinions and Reports in hard copy and COM Documents and Opinions and Reportson microfiche)

It is no longer possible to subscribe to selective policy area documents. EUR-OP, or its sales agents, will now accept only global subscriptions.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions