European Information Association Awards for European Information Sources for 1997

Series Title
Series Details No.2 April
Publication Date April 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

European Information Association Awards for European Information Sources for 1997

At the annual meeting of the European Information Association held at the London Office of the Representation of the European Commission in the United Kingdom on Wednesday 18 March 1998, the announcement was made of the following awards:

Official category: documentation:
European Commission, DG XI
Caring for our future. Action for Europe's environment. 25 issues at a glance
EC, 1997
ISBN: 92-828-1367-3
EC No.CR-04-97-064-EN-C
Price: €20.00

Non-official category: documentation:
Yaqub, Zahd/ Bedford, Becket (eds) European travel law
European Law Series
John Wiley, 1997
ISBN: 0-471-94354-1
Price: £75.00

Electronic sources category (Database/CD-ROM products):
CELEX on the Internet
User id/Password access: Contact Eurobases National Gateways (list available from

Electronic sources category (Internet Web sites):
Free access

In addition the following sources were commended by the judges:

European Ombudsman
Annual report for 1996
EC, 1997
ISBN: 92-823-1012-4
EC No.ME-05-97-486-EN-C
Price: 20.00

Also available on the Internet:

European Commission, DG V Employment and Social Affairs
Following re-organisation new generic series title for DG V serial and one-off publications covering the following areas:
Employment and labour market
Equal opportunities
Public health
Health and safety at work
Social protection and social action
Social dialogue and social rights
European Social Fund

European Commission, DG XV
'Citizens First' information campaign Six leaflets published in 1997:

- Buying goods and services in the Single European Market

- Equal rights and opportunities for men and women in the European Union

- Studying, training and doing research in another country of the European Union

- Travelling in another country of the European Union

- Living in another country of the European Union

- Working in another country of the European Union

Leaflets available from: European Commission, DG XV, Citizens First Response Service, PO Box 1712, L-1017, Luxembourg. Information also available on the Internet at

European Commission, DG XXII/Eurostat/CEDEFOP
Key data on vocational training in the European Union
EC, 1997
ISBN: 92-828-1322-3
EC No.CZ-05-97-252-EN-C
Price: 19.50 ECU

International Arts Bureau
International Arts Navigator, 1997-
Price: Annual subscription: £80.00 (Arts and cultural organisations, HE Institutions, libraries and foundations); £120.00 (National and regional funding agencies, government departments, local authorities, Euro Info Centres); £150.00 (Consultants and the business sector)

From: The International Arts Bureau, 4 Baden Place, Crosby Row, London, SE1 1YW. Tel: +44-(0)171-403-6454; Fax: +44-(0)171-403-2009

HM Treasury
The pros and cons of EMU, July 1997 HM Treasury, 1997

EMU: Practical information for business HM Treasury, 1997

From: The Public Enquiry Unit, Room 89/2/HM Treasury, Parliament Street, London, SW1P 3AG. Tel: +44-(0)171-270-4860. Both reports also available on the Internet at:

European Commission
Free access

European Parliament
Free access

Court of Justice
Homepage (including full text of judgments from June 1997)

European Integration Online Papers (EIOP)

Free access

EIA Chadwyck-Healey Award for Achievement in European Information 1997:
The EIA Chadwyck-Healey Award for Achievement in European Information was established in 1996 to recognise the work of someone who has made a significant contribution to promoting access to EU information.

The winner of the award for 1997 is Giancarlo Pau, Head of the Information Network Unit at the UK Representation of the European Commission in London until the end of 1997. Giancarlo has long been associated with helping the development of professional expertise in European information provision in the United Kingdom, initially by supporting the creation of the Association of European Documentation Librarians and later its transformation into the European Information Association. He was also part of early attempts to improve bibliographical control of EU documentation by the creation of an annual index to Commission documents. Giancarlo Pauhas also been largely responsible for inspiring the idea, and making manifest, the provision of European information in the UK through a network of decentralised information relays, in particular, the creation of the Public Information Relay and European Resource Centres for Colleges and Schools. Giancarlo Pau has also been responsible for many of the quality publications that have been published by the UK Representation over the years, as well as recognising early on the potential of the web for disseminating information.

In 1998 Giancarlo Pau has moved to the European Commission head quarters in Brussels.

Helen Greer Memorial Prize:
The Helen Greer Memorial Prize was established in 1984 in memory of a founder member of the Association of European Documentation Centre Librarians (the forerunner to the EIA). It is administered within the EIA as an award for excellence in the field of EDC/ERC work.

The prize for 1997 was presented to Jitka Hradilova, the EDC Librarian at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Charles University's EDC was established in 1990 and forms part of the University's European Information Centre. Jitka has been there from the start so the EDC's development is very much to her credit. In addition to serving the staff and students of the university, the EDC has a wide range of users from the fields of government, industry, financial institutions and journalism. Jitka has developed a number of databases to catalogue the collections, including articles in Czech periodicals. She is a member of the EUROVOC Users' Committee, has managed projects under the PHARE Programme and the Czech Higher Education Development Fund, established an EDC homepage and an Audiovisual Centre, from which 'Europe by Satellite' is offered. Jitka works closely with other EDCs in the Czech Republic and is the editor of an EDC newsletter Information from Europe, Series A - European Union. Jitka has acted as host for a number of EDC Librarians as part of the EDC Exchange Scheme, and has visited Cardiff and Durham as part of the same scheme. In 1993 Jitka became a member of the Team Europe panel of speakers and is the Czech Republic correspondent to the ECSA-NET - the academic network of institutions and specialists in the field of European integration.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions