Other information: Europactolus 1998

Series Title
Series Details No.4 August
Publication Date August 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Other information:
Europactolus 1998. Lobby Sources Europe have published the third edition of 'Europactolus-Directory of Programmes financed by the European Union', an excellent starting point for enquiries relating to sources of EU funding. The guide covers the Structural Funds, R&D, education, media, culture, training, energy, coal and steel, environment, social matters, fisheries, agriculture, SMEs, developing countries, PHARE and TACIS, Japan and various other miscellaneous topics. The cost is 6,000 BFr (approximately £125.00) and the volume can be ordered from: Lobby Sources Europe, Rue du Noyer 26, B-1030, Brussels, Belgium. Tel: +32-2-735-88-84; Fax: +32-2-736-76-50.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions