Acronymex 1998. How to decipher Community jargon

Author (Person)
Publication Date 1998
Content Type

New reference titles from Lobby Sources Europe:
In European Access, No.3, June 1998, p25 we reviewed two titles from Lobby Sources Europe called 'Eurosources 1998' and 'Commi-Contact'. In this issue we review two further titles from the same publisher:

Acronymex 1998. How to decipher Community jargon:
The growth of the use of acronyms, abbreviations and other short-hand phrases in the 'language' of the European Union has been noted by many observers. The phenomenon is understandable in a multilingual community as a way of facilitating practical day-to-day communication. However, the multiplicity of the number of acronyms used can be daunting to those trying to follow EU developments. Hence, the creation over the past few years of a number of printed and Internet guides to acronyms. The latest is 'Acronymex 1998', a printed volume in both French and English of many of the commonly used acronyms in use today in the EU.

Acronyms listed include 1) those used for Community actions and programmes (such as ECVP: European Community Visitors Programme and NFS 1: Nuclear Fission Safety); 2) organisations and entities within the EU Institutions (such as ENVI: EP Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and ECB: European Central Bank); 3) and non-EU organisations operating at an EU level such as trade and professional organisations (such as ANGO: Association for the Oilseeds, Animal and Vegetable Oils and Fats and Derivatives Trade in the EEC).

'Acronymex 1998' is a useful and up-to-date listing of acronyms and can be recommended.

Such sources would be even more useful if they provided more follow-up information. For most European information professionals, simply finding out what an acronym stands for is not really enough. One needs additional information such as, where appropriate, contact addresses, bibliographical references and homepage information. The publisher who produces an acronym listing with such information will really be worthy of praise (and good sales).

Latham, Janet (ed.)
Acronymex 1998. How to decipher Community jargon
Lobby Sources Europe, 1998
Price: 1,800 BFr (Belgium) / 2,000 BFr (other EU countries)/ 2,300 BFr (other countries)

From: Lobby Sources Europe, Rue du Noyer 26, B-1030, Brussels, Belgium. Tel: +32-2-735-88-84; Fax: +32-2-736-76-50

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