14-15 May Research Council

Series Title
Series Details 22/05/97, Volume 3, Number 20
Publication Date 22/05/1997
Content Type

Date: 22/05/1997

DISCUSSIONS focused on the Fifth Framework Programme for research and technological development. The criteria set for projects to be funded by the programme - that they should add value, be consistent with subsidiarity, include social objectives, promote economic development and take account of scientific and technological prospects - were considered to be a good basis for action. However, ministers said they were rather broad and needed to be refined.

MOST ministers favoured the stated aim of the Fifth Framework Programme of concentrating research efforts. A large majority suggested that some more 'thematic' programmes could be added to those already proposed by the Commission: 'the living world and the ecosystem'; 'the user-friendly information society'; and 'competitive and sustainable growth'. Preferences expressed included areas such as the environment, energy, social sciences and transport.

THE Commission should provide more details about the thematic programmes it had outlined, said ministers. Better information on the 'the living world and the ecosystem' and 'competitive and sustainable growth' programmes was especially needed. Some delegations felt these were too heterogenous and should be regrouped in a more coherent manner.

KEY actions or projects considered to be of major economic and social importance to the EU, such as health and food, and water management and quality, should be problem-oriented and clearly defined. Ministers called on the Commission to clarify the relationship between so-called key actions and generic technologies and basic research. They said the number of key actions should remain limited, in principle to 25 or less, although a number of member states suggested additional ones.

COORDINATION between programmes and other EU policies, and between EU and national activities, was essential, ministers agreed. But they said further discussion would be needed on how to create such coordination.

MANY ministers were reluctant to express an opinion on the budgetary aspects of the Fifth Framework Programme without the Commission's budget proposal, expected in July. Some delegations were in favour of a continuation of the present budget, while others wanted an increase. Some said the overall amount would depend on the content of the framework programme. Doubts were expressed about the Commission's idea of having a 'free space' in programmes, with funds set aside to be used to finance urgent projects.

THE Council's third structured dialogue with the central and eastern European countries (CEECs) centred on the Fifth Framework Programme. Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the structured dialogue in the pre-accession phase and the role of research and development in improving integration between the EU and CEECs. They agreed to intensify dialogue on R&D issues and to investigate ways of helping the CEECs to participate in the Fifth Framework Programme, saying the possibility of using Phare funds should be further explored.

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