Voicing Sweden’s strong feelings

Series Title
Series Details 15/05/97, Volume 3, Number 19
Publication Date 15/05/1997
Content Type

Date: 15/05/1997

IF ASKED to decide which of the three newest EU member states had made the most waves since joining the Union, the majority of people would probably choose Sweden.

The Swedes have added their voice to the clamour for more openness in the various institutions, been among the champions in the fight against unemployment and, say their critics, introduced a rather annoying moralistic tone into the discussion of certain EU issues.

Stockholm's special representative in the long-running Intergovernmental Conference negotiations, State Secretary for European Affairs Gunnar Lund, laughs openly when confronted with such criticism.

He accepts that it may be part of the Swedish persona, but insists that whatever his government sets out to do in the Union, it is always motivated by a constructive spirit - and this despite persistent public disaffection back home with EU membership.

“Our government has not taken the view that since public opinion is so reluctant it has to lie low and achieve as little as possible in the IGC,” he explains.

“Our attitude has been the other way round. It has been to say we have here a unique opportunity, very soon after our entry, with an IGC on the whole future of the Union. Let us use the opportunity to work with others to make sure the EU becomes more responsive to the kinds of concerns and preoccupations which exist elsewhere and in our own country as well.”

There is little doubt that the 49-year-old Lund and his government are particularly satisfied that they have successfully forced the fight against unemployment on to the IGC agenda.

In a minority at the outset, they are now certain to win their campaign and are even pressing for the existing draft commitments to be strengthened.

“When the whole process began one or two years ago we were, if not isolated, at least rather lonely. We were told by so many experienced people that we were fools to think that an IGC of this nature should address problems of this kind. Things have come a very long way since then and that is very satisfying,” says Lund.

Shortly before Easter, Lund calculated that 14 governments supported Sweden's initiative. With the recent change of administration in the UK, that has risen to 15. But Stockholm wants to go further.

“We are pretty happy with the draft treaty language on the table in terms of the institutional framework, the surveillance mechanisms, the possibility of issuing recommendations to member states and the coordination of employment policies. But we would like to supplement the present text and develop a number of guiding principles for employment polices,” he explains in a soft mid-Atlantic accent picked up when studying for a master's degree in law at Columbia University 25 years ago.

These would include the importance of encouraging adaptability and flexibility in the labour market and of stressing the fight against long-term unemployment and social exclusion.

While Swedes see the employment debate moving their way, Lund acknowledges that it has been more of an uphill task to bring to EU fruition another area dear to Swedish hearts: transparency and openness of government.

“We want a clear recognition in the treaty of the basic principle of public access to documents and this we have achieved. But we are not altogether satisfied with what we see in the existing draft,” he says.

“What is crucial is that we cannot leave it to each individual institution to decide on the grounds which will determine confidentiality of documents. This needs to be laid down in a Council regulation applicable to all institutions, creating what we have in our legislation, which is a very strong presumption of openness.”

The onus should be on the institution or individual who says “no, this must remain confidential”, to justify that decision, argues Lund.

Employment, transparency and other issues such as the environment are strongly felt concerns in all the Nordic countries, but he denies there is any concerted effort to present a united Swedish/Finnish/Danish front in EU negotiations as the Benelux trio - Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg - does.

“There is no doubt that in many areas we share basic values and a basic approach and that is clear in this conference, both in what we give priority to in our discussions and in the kind of proposals we put forward,” he admits.

But he adds: “Intentionally, the approach from all the Nordic countries has been to avoid acting as a bloc. We do not submit group proposals. There is no Benelux style in the Nordic states.”

While they have maintained their own independence, the Swedes have had to get used to the EU's way of doing things.

Lund, as a former head of the international affairs department in the ministry of finance and with experience of the Tokyo Round GATT trade negotiations, was well prepared for the Union game.

“I do not think anything has greatly surprised us, but of course it is a learning process. What has struck me, and others too, is how in many ways it has been a positive experience to see how it is possible to exert an influence,” he explains.

“The working method is very obviously to try and form alliances for agreement in areas where you have an interest. Thus, you sense as soon as you enter the Union that you are an interesting party for everybody involved. We have begun to act in the same way.”

But Union membership has not been without its difficulties for the country. Public criticism has become more strident in the past two years and many Swedes resent decisions being taken elsewhere on issues they feel strongly about.

A Union ruling that the country's alcohol monopoly should be phased out is just one recent high-profile instance. Lund acknowledges the disaffection, but suggests there is another side to the coin.

“There is also a learning process and it provokes attitudes of ambivalence. You get a lot of negative reactions when people realise this is now an area that we do not determine ourselves wholly, but it becomes the subject of decisions elsewhere,” he admits.

“In a new member state like ours, you will have a lot of resistance to the transfer of further competence to Brussels in areas where we feel we have been able to establish a very good system in our own country.”

But he contrasts this with the opportunities people now realise exist to promote issues dear to their own hearts - such as environmental protection, social and economic rights and free trade - on the wider European stage.

Lund is convinced that those opportunities, and a change in the economic cycle, will eventually swing the pendulum of public opinion back in favour of the Union.

“There is no doubt that there is strong scepticism, even negativism, about our membership in some quarters,” he says.

“I think one important underlying factor is that over the past five to seven years, from the moment we submitted our application for membership until today, the whole process of applying, negotiating membership and joining the Union has coincided with a difficult period for the Swedish economy and the Swedish people.”

Yet he remains quietly optimistic.

“I am convinced this has affected people's attitude towards the European Union. It may be unfair and unjustified, but the two things have become mixed up.

“For us, the entire adventure with the EU has coincided with this pain and adjustment factor. If that is a correct analysis, then this should begin to turn. That is my hope and expectation. After all, I think you can trust Swedes to be rather rational and pragmatic.”

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