Deadlock broken over part-timers

Series Title
Series Details 24/04/97, Volume 3, Number 16
Publication Date 24/04/1997
Content Type

Date: 24/04/1997

By Simon Coss

AGREEMENT on rights for Europe's part-time workers is in sight after a breakthrough in delicate negotiations between employers and trade union leaders.

Both sides are now sounding guardedly optimistic about the chances of a deal, in marked contrast to the despondency which cast a pall over the talks earlier this year.

In February, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) indicated it would throw in the towel unless significant progress was made on the crucial issue of which part-timers should be covered by the rules.

But the latest round of talks between the social partners - the ETUC, the employers' federation UNICE and the public employers' body CEEP - appears to have broken the deadlock and hopes are high that they will make a formal announcement at their high-level 'social summit' on 6 June.

The two sides went into the talks on the rights of part-time workers from two completely different standpoints.

The ETUC was initially looking for legislation to cover all forms of 'atypical work', including seasonal labour, home-work and teleworking, while UNICE argued that national rules were adequate and there was no need for European-level legislation at all.

The employers were, however, anxious to avoid having legislation imposed on them via a European Commission proposal - the normal procedure if such talks break down.

The federation initially said that if Union-wide rules were introduced, they should only cover workers on permanent contracts. The ETUC complained that this would only apply to one-fifth of part-timers.

Both sides are refusing to reveal details of the emerging deal, but the ETUC conceded recently that while it was not prepared to be flexible about rules at European level, it was ready to allow a certain amount of leeway over how legislation should be transposed in the member states. “You can have wonderful principles, but they have to be implemented. We would rather things worked in practice,” said one ETUC source.

If the two sides strike a deal, the Commission will present their conclusions to social affairs ministers in the form of a legislative proposal. Ministers would then have the option of accepting the plan by qualified majority vote or rejecting it, but would not be able to amend it.

The UK's 'opt out' from the Maastricht Treaty social chapter means it would play no part in these ministerial discussions and would not be bound by their outcome. However, the British Labour Party - widely tipped to win next week's general election - has said it would sign up to the agreement.

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