Service with a smile

Series Title
Series Details 15/05/97, Volume 3, Number 19
Publication Date 15/05/1997
Content Type

Date: 15/05/1997

HIS friends say Peter Scher has a great sense of humour. As the United States trade representative's 'special trade ambassador for agriculture', he will probably need it.

In the topsy-turvy world of transatlantic market relations, farming undoubtedly takes pride of place as the cause of most grief.

In the medium term, the biggest issue on the horizon for the 36-year-old lawyer from New York will be the next round of agricultural trade negotiations, due to begin in 1999.

But that is not to say Scher will be doing much thumb-twiddling over the next 18 months: before the next round gets underway, he will first have to tie up the remaining loose ends from the 1994 GATT agreement.

Observers believe he is well-equipped for the task. “He is sophisticated about the ways of Europe and sensitive to its weaknesses. His first task will be to ensure that the EU fully implements its Uruguay Round commitments,” says former US Ambassador to the Union and Under-Secretary for Commerce Stuart Eizenstat.

Despite his tender years, Scher's background would appear to have prepared him perfectly for the pitfalls of negotiating with a regional bloc which, in agriculture more than anything else, often pulls in completely different directions. American officials sometimes complain that they do not know what the EU line is or who they should be listening to.

A bachelor of arts qualification in political science was followed by a law degree and legal practice in Washington, before Scher moved into the political hotbed of Capitol Hill.

He has certainly packed a lot in over the past ten years. Prior to his current post, he served as chief of staff to Mickey Kantor during his time as USTR and commerce secretary, and fulfilled a similar role for Montana Senator Max Baucus.

When USTR Charlene Barchefsky announced that she would establish a new agricultural post within her office, US farming lobbies were initially sceptical that Scher had the specialist knowledge necessary to defend their interests in the arcane world of farm trade.

But they appear to have been won over. “Peter Scher is a proven leader and we are confident that he will represent the unique trade needs of American agriculture, which will assist us in our ultimate goals of stimulating freer and fairer trade around the globe,” says Dean Kleckner, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

While not an agricultural specialist, Scher's previous experience with the USTR guarantees him a good grounding in the basic issues. One former colleague reckons that “half of the hot issues the department deals with are on agriculture”.

And even without a thorough background in the muckier sides of the farming business, Scher is widely regarded as bright enough to pick up the complexities of his new dossier.

“He always studies every brief extremely carefully, which will be vital in agriculture with its very arcane details,” says one colleague.

Baucus concurs: “Peter is exceptionally bright and quick. He has lots of contacts, and is very effective because he networks so well.” Another associate is even more direct, calling him “a tough nut, very smart, very intense”.

Others are somewhat more circumspect, claiming Scher's success will depend to a very large degree on the quality of the staff he has around him to provide expert advice.

“It is a very difficult role, and his effectiveness will be determined by his ability to balance the political with the technical,” explains a former sidekick, who also points to potential problems at home. Although he works for the USTR, Scher's negotiating stance will also have to take account of the concerns of Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman. Even within the farming lobby, “there are huge splits in Washington between those wanting a more hard-line protectionist stance and those who want the government to adopt an export-oriented approach”.

But even if Scher finds that all this gives him a few more grey hairs, there is general agreement that his tenacity will carry him through.

“He has a perfect sense of what is important. Peter can see the forest without getting tripped up by the trees. Even more importantly, he has a pit bull terrier's ability to follow things through. He is very goal-oriented. The US agricultural community is very lucky to have him,” says one admirer.

Scher's pragmatism has also been highlighted as a major point in his favour, given the powerful forces which are certain to pull him in different directions.

“He is pragmatic and practical and is basically a free trader, but you can be sure he will stand up for US rights. Peter is not an ideologue on trade, but sees things from the perspective of promoting US jobs. Lots of people tend to get tripped up because they belong to one of the theological schools of trade,” says a former colleague at the USTR.

In the post-1999 environment of the next trade round, Scher's main priority will be to open up other markets to US produce.

He will have the advantage of dealing with the Europeans from a position of considerable strength, thanks to the recent liberalisation of US farming under the 'freedom to farm act'.

“Europe has a problem because of the pending reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and Peter will be in the hot seat in pushing US calls for Europe to follow its example,” observes one colleague.

Although inexperienced in the ways of Europe, “he is very aware of the difficulties the Europeans face”, says Baucus, adding: “Peter has a lot of integrity and the EU will find him a worthy adversary.”

He also enjoys the distinct advantage of being a total enigma in Brussels. No one within the European Commission claims ever to have come across him, despite his senior advisory role to the US administration's main trade negotiator.

Although described as “not a pure politico”, the new agriculture ambassador does belong to a distinct breed in US political culture; those with a legal background who find their way into influential policy positions following a spell in a government agency or on Capitol Hill.

“He will have tracked a lot of different bases in Washington, working with the technical aspects of law, then getting himself a lot of useful political contacts,” says a Washington insider.

The responsibility of guaranteeing markets for US agricultural exports worth over 50 billion ecu will leave little time for many outside interests for a man whose wife is expecting their first child this autumn.

Scher remains a popular figure for his ready wit, even in the most trying circumstances.

“Peter is a very engaging guy with a wonderful sense of humour, who is able to see the lighter side of things more easily than most,” says Baucus.

He also won many friends in the wake of the air crash in which Commerce Secretary Ron Brown died.

“He was with Mickey during a particularly difficult period of time. His optimistic and positive attitude helped to buoy up the department at a tragic and difficult time,” says Eizenstat.

His courage extends to his “irreverent” liking for a good joke, with even the 'great and the good' holding no fears for him.

“He has a terrific sense of humour, making fun of himself and all those around him - and that included me,” says his ex-boss Kantor, who struck fear into many an opponent over several years of trade negotiations.

As to the future, Scher is clearly a high-flier, marked out for a long and notable career. But for the time being, he will have to throw all his energy into negotiating the next round of farm liberalisation.

“He is ambitious, but not in a negative way. Perhaps it is better to say he is anxious to get on. Peter likes public service and will work his tail off,” predicts one close associate.

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