Series Title
Series Details 05/06/97, Volume 3, Number 22
Publication Date 05/06/1997
Content Type

Date: 05/06/1997

“The man is no longer bearable. The government's action is damaging international credibility, the thing we need most.”

German SDP leader in the Bundestag Rudolf Scharping lambasting German Finance Minister Theo Waigel as the row over the revaluation of the country's gold reserves intensified.

“I hear calls for my resignation every day. But I have been in office for eight years and I am used to them.”

Theo Waigel brushing off calls for his resignation in the wake of the Bundesbank's attack on the gold-revaluation plan.

“We don't want to renegotiate the treaty. We want to renegotiate the application of the treaty.”

French Socialist spokesman François Hollande explaining the new government's attitude towards the single currency.

“A prosperous, more united Europe will not only be a stronger Europe. It will be a stronger partner for the United States in the 21st century.”

US President Bill Clinton speaking after last week's EU-US summit in The Hague.

“Obviously we are trying to encourage those who are in the non-league ... to get a promotion.”

Industry Commissioner Martin Bangemann using a football analogy to highlight the failure of some countries to take measures needed to open up their telecoms market to competition by

1 January 1998, in contrast to the steps taken by those in the 'premier league' - the UK, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

“We have to analyse the consequences now if we want to avoid the Union having to negotiate with its back to the wall.”

Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler warning that the EU would be pressed to make further cuts in farm subsidies and open its market to imports in the next round of world trade talks.

“This is a cynical attempt by the tobacco companies to recruit new smokers, which also reflects the increasing constraint on other marketing strategies.”

Health Commissioner Pádraig Flynn, in a statement to mark World No-Tobacco Day, condemning the escalating cigarette price war as a ploy to lure new customers in the face of the growing number of advertising bans.

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