Series Title
Series Details 20/02/97, Volume 3, Number 07
Publication Date 20/02/1997
Content Type

Date: 20/02/1997


Orchestre des Champs-Elysées, La Chapelle Royale and Collegium Vocale conducted by Philippe Herrewhege. Works by Hector Berlioz. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 20 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Camerata Quartet conducted by Arthur Paciorkiewicz, alto. Works by Mendelssohn; Mozart Beethoven. Royal Music Conservatory. 20 Feb. 02/344 87 77.

Recital Olivier De Spiegeleir. Works by Beethoven. Royal Music Conservatory. 21 Feb. 02/511 04 27.

Orchestre National de Belgique conducted byYuri Simonov, with Lynn Harrell, cello. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 21 and 23 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Recital Alban Berg Quartet. Works by Franz Schubert. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 22 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Orchestre symphonique de la Monnaie with Eldar Aliev, bass and Aleksandar Madzar, piano. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 23 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Luwigana pianotrio. Works by Pavle Merku; Beethoven; Brahms. Hotel Astoria. 23 Feb. 02/513 09 65.

Nachtmusique with Alexei Lubimov, piano and Jean-Philippe Vasseur, alto. Royal Music Conservatory. 24 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

BRTN-Filharmonisch Orkest conducted by Avy Ostrowsky with Lucienne van Deyck. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 24 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Recital Suzan Graham, mezzo - NN, piano. National Opera - La Monnaie. 25 Feb. 02/229 12 11.

I Fiamminghi conducted by Rudolf Werthen with Martha Argerich, piano and Sergey Nakariakov, trumpet. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 25 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Recital Maxim Vengerov, violin and Igor Uryash, piano. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 27 Feb. 02/507 82 00.

Homage to Jacques Leduc. Hotel Astoria. 28 Feb. 02/513 09 65.

Opening concert of the Ars Musica Festival - Koninklijk Filharmonisch Orkest conducted by George Benjamin. Works by Messiaen; Carter; Ligeti; Benjamin. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 1 March. 02/514 21 70.


Ket-Car, old toys. Salles des Silhouettes. Until 16 March. 02/732 11 22.

Preparatory drawings - Jo Dustin, paintings. Cabinet d'Art Contemporain. Until 29 March. 02/512 88 28.

Susie Brandt. Contemporary Quilts. Abbel Joseph Gallery. Until 22 Feb. 02/245 67 73.

Alain Ballencourt, paintings. Art Cadia. Until 5 April. 02/223 13 35.

Notes sur le sable, Ivana Cekovic, photographs. Espace Delvaux. Until 23 Feb. 02/660 49 60.

Né pour sentir. Porte de Halle. Until 28 Feb. 02/741 73 08.

Le bord du jour - Jacques Vilet, photos. Espace Photographique Contretype. Until 16 March. 02/538 42 20.

L'oeil gourmand. Passage 44. Until 16 March. 02/222 45 05.

Spanish contemporary engravings. Centre of Contemporary Art. Until 22 Feb. 02/735 05 31.

Patchwork quilts - exhibits from America, England and Wales. Espace Parallèle. Until 25 March. 02/675 27 23.

Roland Topor. Galerie Osiris. Until 15 March. 02/511 09 21.

The Bat: the world turned upside down. Royal Museum of Natural History of Belgium. Until 28 April. 02/627 42 38.

The Jewish collection of la maison d'Erasme. Musée Juif de Belgique. Until 26 Apr. 02/512 19 63.

Des lumières et des émotions - Stéphane Schollaert, photographs. Galerie Verhaeren. Until 23 Feb. 02/673 87 17.

Whales and men. Royal Museum of Natural History of Belgium. Until 30 May. 02/627 42 38.

The Gallo-Roman in Belgium. Musée du Cinquantenaire. Until 26 Oct. 02/741 73 08.

Marina Mayer, engraving and drawing. Galerie A.B.C. Until 1 March. 02/511 32 53.

Don Brouw, Martin Creed and Stephen Murphy. Galerie Mot & Van den Boogaard. Until 15 March. 02/514 10 10.

Guiseppe Penone, paintings. Artiscope. Until 18 April. 02/735 52 12.

Vincent Baeten, paintings. Regards 76. Until 1 March. 02/763 00 26.

Jorge Ortiz, paintings. Maison de l'Amérique Latine. Until 3 March. 02/538 19 12.

Spirit war - Louis De Vriese, paintings. De l'autre côte de la rue. Until 8 March. 02/426 80 97.

Elsewhere - Irish and American black and white photographs. Zoom! Square Sainctelette 7. Until 1 March. 02/218 83 19.

Clés tendances et propos-itions de la Collection Estampa. Centre of Contemporary Art. Until 22 Feb. 02/735 05 31.

Tropicales: the wintergardens of the capital. Centre de conférence Européen. 20 Feb. - 2 March. 02/672 05 83.

Yemen, land of stone and sand. Musée du Cinquantenaire. 20 Feb. - 18 May. 02/741 73 08.

James Coignard, engravings. Foundation René Carcan. 21 Feb. - 23 March. 02/735 73 55.

Jacques Aron, paintings. Botanique. 21 Feb. - 23 March. 02/218 37 32.

Jean-Marie Bomputte. Contrast Gallery. 22-23 Feb. 02/512 98 59.

Militch de Matchva, paintings. Galerie Albert 1er. 21 Feb. - 12 March. 02/512 19 44.

Robert Askenasi - Hôpital du troisième type, photographs. Galerie Verhaeren. 26 Feb. - 23 March. 02/673 87 17.

Karim Ben Khelifa - Va te faire voir, photographs. Galerie Verhaeren. 26 Feb. - 23 March. 02/673 87 17.

The art of collecting: museums of the Netherlands and 20th century art. Palais des Beaux-Arts. 26 Feb. - 25 May. 02/507 84 68.

Affiches Polonaises: Stasys; Starowieyski; Mroszczak; Pagowski; Sadowski. Jakuhowska, sculptures. Galerie Art-Pol. 28 Feb. - 12 April. 02/537 22 46.

Pierre Lefèvre, paintings. Musée d'Art Spontané. 1-25 March. 02/426 84 00.

Ginette Javaux, paintings. Centre d'Art de Rouge-Cloître. 1-27 March. 02/660 55 97.


Fantome à prendre 2: le sexe des spectres by Christian de Wespin. Palace Hotel. Until 31 May. 02/673 38 99.

Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll by Eric Bogosian. Théâtre de Poche. Until 1 March. 02/649 17 27.

Mozart assassiné? by Jacques Neefs and Jérôme Van Win. Théâtre royal du Parc. Until 22 Feb. 02/512 23 39.

Sur la terre comme au ciel by Fritz Hochwälder. Comédie Claude Volter. Until 23 Feb. 02/769 09 63.

Lulu by Frank Wedekind. Théâtre du Vaudeville. Until 2 March. 02/514 16 00.

Amédée ou comment s'en débarrasser by Eugène Ionesco. Théâtre de Quat'sous. Until 29 March. 02/512 10 22.

Arlequin valet de deux maîtres by Goldoni, staged by Guy Pion. Le Public. Until 23 March. 0800/944 44.

Ecart by Marie Destrait, staged by Hélène Gailly. Palais des Beaux-Arts. Until 7 March. 02/507 82 00.

L'escalade by Rufus. Théâtre Jean Vilar. Until 21 Feb. 010/45 04 00.

L'Odyssée by Homère, staged by Jules Henri Marchant. Palais des Beaux-Arts. Until 1 March. 02/507 82 00.

A.N.D. 01 by Bruce Ellyson. X-L Théâtre. Until 22 Feb. 02/513 21 78.

Que je t'aime! - Courrier du coeur by Clémence Massart. Théâtre 140. Until 22 Feb. 02/733 97 08.

Un mari Idéal by Oscar Wilde, staged by Adrian Brine. Théâtre royal des Galeries. Until 23 Feb. 02/218 27 35.

La force de tuer by Lars Noren. NTB/Viaduc. Until 8 March. 02/640 84 37.

La Femme du Boulanger by Marcel Pagnol with Michel Galabru. Théâtre Molière. Until 8 March. 02/513 58 00.

Il n'y a aucun mérite à être quoi que ce soit by Marcel Marïen. Chapelle des Brigittines. Until 8 March. 02/511 79 90.

Scalp performed by the Théâtre de l'Inédit. ClubHouse Hotel. Until 14 June. 02/673 38 99.

Mahagonny by Bertholt Brecht and Kurt Weill, staged by Patrick Waleffe. La Soupape. 20-23 Feb. 02/649 58 88.

Douze hommes en colère by Réginald Rose, staged by Stephan Meldegg. Auditorium 44. 20-26 Feb. 02/218 27 35.

De winter onder de tafel by Roland Topor. Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg. 21 Feb. - 9 March. 02/217 69 37.

Un ami imprévu by Robert Thomas, performed by the Cercle Bien Faire et Laisser Dire. Ecuries de la Maison Haute. 22 Feb. 02/660 49 60.

Mort d'un commis voyageur by Arthur Miller. Centre culturel d'Auderghem. 22-28 Feb. 02/660 03 03.

Les souffleurs au gradins. Cercle Sainte-Anne. 22 Feb. & 8 March. 02/514 03 53.

Et dieu créa le disco, staged by Stéphane Custers. Claridge. 24 Feb. 02/223 14 26.

L'Etranger by Albert Camus, performed by Compagnie de l'Ours. Botanique. 24 Feb. 02/218 37 32.

Démons by Lars Noren. X-L Théâtre. 25 Feb. - 28 March. 02/513 21 78.

Flirt (Liebelei) by Arthur Schnitzler, performed by Zuidelijk Toneel. Lunatheater. 26 & 27 Feb. 02/201 59 59.

Antigone by Sophocles, staged by International Visual Théâtre. Théâtre 140. 26 Feb. - 28 March. 02/733 97 08.

Nietsche, Bouffon de l'Eternité by Friedrich Nietsche. Théâtre du Résidence Palace. 27 Feb. - 22 March. 02/231 07 40.

Le coup de fouet by Hennequin and Duval. Centre Communautaire de Joli-Bois. 28 Feb. - 8 March. 02/771 54 50.

Massage by Steven Berkoff, staged by Roland Mahauden. Théâtre de Poche. 28 Feb. - 12 April. 02/ 649 17 27.


La ligue d'impro. Improvisation matches. Mirano Continental. Until 13 April. 070/344 344.

Brussels Blues '97. Ancienne Belgique. 22 Feb. 02/548 24 24.

Festival Ars Musica. Palais des Beaux Arts, National Opera - la Monnaie, Royal Music Conservatory, Botanique, Lunatheater, Halles de Schaerbeek. 1-28 March. 02/512 45 45.

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