Series Title
Series Details 20/02/97, Volume 3, Number 07
Publication Date 20/02/1997
Content Type

Date: 20/02/1997

“I warn against misunderstanding my commitment to Europe along the lines of 'Kohl is so enthusiastic about Europe that he will go soft on the stability criteria at the end'. Anyone who is ready to introduce the euro in place of the deutschemark, as I am, knows that the Germans' experience with the mark is one of the best in history and that we will not give up this accomplishment in the future.”

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl dismissing speculation that he would tolerate a weakening of the Maastricht Treaty convergence criteria for EMU in order to save the project.

“Today, the League has changed. It is a movement with one objective: to split Italy in two. This is a serious business. Our response will be to join Europe's single currency and carry out a federalistic reform of the state, because if we fail to qualify for the single currency, then the League will take advantage of it.”

Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi warning that a delay to his country's membership of the euro-zone would add fuel to the Northern League's secessionist movement.

“I have the impression that people have acted out of panic in deciding on these measures.”

Dutch Farm Minister Jozias van Aartsen commenting on the EU Standing Veterinary Committee's recommendation that a ban be imposed on live pig exports from most Dutch districts following an outbreak of swine fever.

“A censure move now is an ill-judged gesture and politically naïve.”

European Parliament Socialist Group leader Pauline Green claiming that passing a censure motion against the European Commission for its handling of the BSE crisis would spark an EU crisis which would serve no one.

“The committee has, of course, enjoyed the benefit of hindsight in looking into a new disease about which, until recently, little was known. It is a pity therefore that it has chosen to recycle old prejudices, even when these do not fit the facts.”

Sir Stephen Wall, the UK's ambassador to the EU, attacking the findings of the Parliament's committee of inquiry into BSE in a letter to its chairman Reimer Böge.

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