Informal treat for city of York

Series Title
Series Details 10/04/97, Volume 3, Number 14
Publication Date 10/04/1997
Content Type

Date: 10/04/1997

The citizens of the northern British city of York have just won what is known in EU circles as the presidency lottery.

Towns across Europe are in endless hot competition to play host to Euro-ministers when the opportunity arises. Such is the prestige and, let's face it, the commercial spin-off to be had from being selected as the focus of one informal Council of Ministers' meeting or another, that national governments have to make agonising decisions.

Already, the UK government has selected Cardiff as its presidency summit city in 1998, a nod in the direction of regionalism and the Welsh electorate.

Now it has been revealed by Finance Minister Kenneth Clarke that York will be the setting for an informal gathering of finance ministers some time in the first half of next year.

Clarke let the location slip during a press conference in Noordwijk, much to the horror of his press officer, who had declined to reveal the name.

“Shouldn't I have said that? Well, it isn't confirmed yet,” said Clarke when he realised he had jumped the gun.

Maybe not, but try changing your mind now, finance minister - in York they are already putting up the bunting.

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