24 March General Affairs Council

Series Title
Series Details 27/03/97, Volume 3, Number 12
Publication Date 27/03/1997
Content Type

Date: 27/03/1997

FOREIGN ministers agreed to send an 'advance mission' to Albania to deliver a first 2-million-ecu tranche of EU humanitarian aid and to pave the way for a bigger group of civil and military advisers to go to the country. Ministers said they would cooperate closely with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and if a military force was sent to protect the advisers, which is not yet clear, it would probably wear an OSCE hat.

A DECISION to suspend Burma's trade privileges under the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) in response to its continued use of child workers and other forced labour was formally approved by ministers.

SPAIN finally conceded that South Africa's partial accession to the Lomé Convention - the EU's African, Caribbean and Pacific partnership - did not depend on the country signing a parallel fishing agreement. Dutch Foreign Minister Hans van Mierlo congratulated Spain for its flexibility. South Africa will now be ready to join at next month's EU-ACP ministerial meeting.

MINISTERS debated Zaïre, reiterating their support for the United Nations' Special Representative Mohammed Sahnoun's mediation efforts. They stressed the need to establish a cease-fire and instructed EU Special Envoy Aldo Ajello to search for a solution. Ministers also called for democratic elections in the country and for EU election monitors to go to Kinshasa as soon as possible. In addition, they renewed their demands for an international Great Lakes conference under the auspices of the UN and the Organisation for African Unity, and called on all parties to assist remaining refugees in the region.

THE Council chose to maintain a diplomatic silence on events in Israel, opting not to make any declaration on the issue given the high degree of tension in the country. “There is a time for statements, and there is a time for diplomacy” said Van Mierlo.

MINISTERS reiterated their commitment to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, calling for a rapid conclusion to bilateral EU-Jordanese talks. They recognised some outstanding difficulties in negotiations with Lebanon and an almost total deadlock in talks with Egypt.

THE European Commission was asked to submit proposals for autonomous trade measures with the former Yugoslavia (FRY), although ministers did not state whether they felt the time was yet right for such a move. They did, however, express concern at an agreement between FRY and the Republika Srpska.

COUNCIL stressed the need to follow through with the World Trade Organisation's plan for greater market access to the world's poorest countries and called on the European Commission to submit concrete proposals as soon as possible. It also took note of trade experts' discussions on Union trade policy, notably on preferential agreements and called for a report to be prepared in time for the June summit in Amsterdam.

A GLOBAL information technology agreement (ITA), which will phase out tariffs on computer and telecoms equipment by 2000, was formally agreed. In 1995, the value of EU exports in these products was 50 billion ecu, compared to 87 billion ecu for the US and 92 billion ecu for Japan. The participants in the ITA represent 90&percent; of world commerce in the sector. Ministers also formally agreed a deal with the US to dismantle tariffs on white and brown spirits, which formed part of the ITA package. The deal will not reduce EU access for ACP rum, and will not prejudice producers' chances for preferential access after 2000. Ministers noted that European semiconductor manufacturers will take part in the forthcoming Japan-US World Council on Semiconductors.

MINISTERS noted with satisfaction progress on an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) multilateral agreement on investment (MAI) to be concluded in May 1997. The MAI should set up a multilateral investment regime including liberalised investment rules, high levels of protection, and effective dispute settlement.

THE importance of deeper relations with Russia, “an essential partner for the stability of Europe”, was emphasised by ministers. They said that the partnership and cooperation agreement with Russia, which should enter into force later this year, should give a “new quality” to relations. Ministers also considered the need to build on the Union's 1980 agreement made with east Asian nations in the ASEAN trading bloc.

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