Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | 08/02/96, Volume 2, Number 06 |
Publication Date | 08/02/1996 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 08/02/1996 Stability is about to return, everyone hopes, to troubled DGXXI (customs and indirect taxation) now that Scotsman Jim Currie is to fill the director-general hot seat vacated by Peter Wilmott. Wilmott left after a series of personality clashes with Commissioner Mario Monti and his Chef de Cabinet Enzo Moavero Milanesi, but Currie is unlikely to have much trouble. He has, as they say, been round the houses a few times since joining the Commission from the UK permanent representation in 1987. Currie started in DGXVI (regional policy), became Trade Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan's first chef de Cabinet and then held the number two post at the Commission delegation office in Washington. It is no secret that Wilmott's position, which he takes over on 1 March, was not Currie's first choice. He wanted to stay on in Washington in the top Commission job, but was squeezed out by Hugo Paemen, former head of the porte-parole. It surprised some when Currie turned down the tasty alternative offer to head the Commission's Moscow office, heading instead for Brussels to challenge several Brits for the post. Biggest competition came from favourite Adrian Fortescue, head of the secretary-general's unit for cooperation in justice and home affairs, who was said to have the strong backing of 'boss of bosses' David Williamson. Other notables who mysteriously did not fight for a job earmarked for a UK candidate include the likes of Joly Dixon, Graham Avery and Michael Emerson. |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations, Taxation |