UEFA under attack over broadcasting restrictions

Series Title
Series Details 25/04/96, Volume 2, Number 17
Publication Date 25/04/1996
Content Type

Date: 25/04/1996

THE Commission is preparing to tackle UEFA, the governing body of European football, for restricting the broadcast of some matches at certain times to protect its takings at live games.

Competition Commissioner Karel Van Miert, who claims UEFA's rules distort competition, will tell the sports body next month either to change its ways or risk substantial fines.

Tiring of the softly softly approach adopted by the Commission in the past, Van Miert is planning to send UEFA a list of objections to its ban.

The restrictions are designed to shore up football clubs' revenue by banning the live transmission of important matches.

The fear is that, given the choice, football fans would watch big foreign matches on television rather than go to local games. So, for example, a ban on live broadcasts at the weekend, when most games take place, is imposed in the UK until 4pm every Sunday.

Broadcasters say the ban is unfair because it prevents them from using broadcasting rights for which they have paid dearly as they wish.

“There is absolutely no justification for it,” said Ross Biggam of ITV, one of several television stations which complained to the EU's competition authority.

“Under normal circumstances, ITV and BSkyB would show their matches at different times to maximise audiences. Now we are forced to broadcast simultaneously late on Sunday afternoon, so we both lose out.”

The problem has been exacerbated by football hooliganism. To avoid violence, police are insisting matches start earlier to ensure they end in daylight.

“We had the broadcasting rights for the Coca-Cola semi-final, Leeds United vs. Birmingham, but we were unable to show it until four hours after the game was played. The police brought the kick-off time forward to midday and we could not transmit until 4pm,” said Biggam.

UEFA argues the restrictions are vital if football is to survive. “If we cannot make money on the gates, then how on earth can we continue to survive?” queried a spokesman.

Already forced to change its transfer and foreign player rules following a European Court of Justice ruling in the Bosman case, the once-unbeatable body is playing an increasingly defensive game.

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