No time for blazers

Series Title
Series Details 29/02/96, Volume 2, Number 09
Publication Date 29/02/1996
Content Type

Date: 29/02/1996

It was a textbook operation last week when the Breydel had to be cleared because of an electrical fire. So efficiently did the staff implement fire drill instructions that they have received a letter from Personnel Director-General Frans de Koster praising their action. The incident also provided an insight into the sartorial habits of Commissioners' Cabinets. Most Cabinet staff were wrapped up in coats and scarves against the cold - but not Trade Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan's entourage, who gathered on the pavement outside the Breydel in shirt-sleeves despite the bitterly cold weather.

Did the attire reflect their work ethic or preparations for this month's EU-Asia summit in Bangkok, which will be graced by Sir Leon among others?

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