Press Release: Higher education : Universities must deliver their full potential to contribute to the Lisbon strategy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/445 (20.4.05)
Publication Date 20/04/2005
Content Type

The European Commission on 20 April 2005 adopted a Communication on 'Mobilising the brainpower of Europe: enabling universities to make their full contribution to the Lisbon Strategy'. Accompanied by a Commission Staff Working Paper on 'European Higher Education in a Worldwide Perspective', this text was a follow-up to the Communication on 'The role of universities in the Europe of Knowledge' and to the subsequent consultation of stakeholders. It underlined the fact that European universities were faced with many challenges and that, if nothing was done, the gap with the EU's main competitors in the field would continue to widen.

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Related Links
European Commission: SEC(2005)518
European Commission: COM(2005) 152:

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