Parliament condemns Zimbabwe ‘brutalities’

Series Title
Series Details Vol.11, No.26, 7.7.05
Publication Date 07/07/2005
Content Type

Date: 07/07/05

The European Parliament will today (7 July) criticise sharply the regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, following government-sponsored land clearances that have made 275,000 people homeless. MEPs are to condemn the actions as "brutal".

According to a draft to be adopted today in Strasbourg, the Parliament will also criticise EU member states, the government of South Africa and African organisations for not doing enough to end human rights violations in Zimbabwe.

South Africa and the African Union stand accused of "turning a blind eye to the daily oppression of the people in Zimbabwe and the destruction of that country's economy".

More than six weeks ago Zimbabwean police began to raze illegal structures throughout the country, in what has been dubbed 'Operation Restore Order' or 'Operation Murambatsvina' - drive out the rubbish.

According to the United Nations, 200,000 people have been displaced, but some put the figure much higher.

The UN envoy, Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, this week visited the country to investigate the humanitarian impact of the government's actions. Her findings are likely to be crucial as the international community weighs its response.

Harare has said the clearances are aimed at ending illegal activities and cleaning up Zimbabwe's cities.

But according to the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, the destruction was aimed at opponents of Mugabe's ruling party. The Zimbabwean government denies these allegations.

Parliament is also set to criticise EU member states for not doing enough to solve the situation in Zimbabwe, which it calls a "failed state".

They urge EU foreign ministers, who meet in Brussels on 18 July, to extend travel bans and asset freezes on those who trade on behalf of the regime. The UK presidency has put the matter on the ministers' agenda.

The EU currently bans 120 members of Zanu PF from entering its territory. Although the sanctions have been progressively expanded since first being introduced in February 2002, critics say they have had little effect because of loopholes that allow government officials to attend meetings which are part of the African Union, the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) bloc or of the United Nations.

Article anticipates the adoption by the European Parliament of a joint resolution on Zimbabwe condemning the Mugabe regime for the intensification of its oppression of the Zimbabwean people and demanding an immediate end to the regime's mass forced evictions, 7 July 2005.

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European Parliament: Daily Notebook, 7.7.05, 'Condemnation of Zimbabwe oppression'

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