Plenty of work to do for the EU’s next members

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.11, No.15, 21.4.05
Publication Date 21/04/2005
Content Type

Date: 21/04/05

The signing next week of the treaty paving the way for Bulgaria and Romania's accession to the EU is the culmination of a process marred by difficulties, caused in particular by doubts about the preparedness of Romania, the larger of the two, to join the Union. Although the target entry date is 1 January 2007, accession can be delayed by one year, if either country fails to meet conditions agreed during the entry negotiations.

Bulgaria and Romania are both poorer than the ten countries that joined the Union on 1 May 2004 and they have been set tougher entry terms. Romania must meet 11 conditions to be able to join on

1 January 2007. Failure to comply with any of them, ranging from justice and home affairs to promoting industrial competition, would mean that accession could be delayed under the terms of a 'safeguard clause'. EU member states can decide by qualified majority to use this clause.

The general consensus is that Bulgaria is considerably better equipped to handle the obligations of EU membership. Nevertheless, Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for enlargement, recently told the government in Sofia that it needs to make tangible progress in three areas: reforming the judiciary, reducing corruption and tackling organised crime.

The European Parliament gave its assent to the accession treaty only after weeks of behind-the-scenes negotiations with member states' representatives, brought on by lingering doubts about the two countries' preparedness and by the MEPs' desire to be involved in any decision to postpone entry. Deputies also sought the right to be involved in all financial decisions concerning the two states once they join the Union.

But despite the tough conditions ahead, the leaders of Bulgaria and Romania say they are determined that accession will take place on time.

They are well on the way to fulfilling the economic conditions for joining the EU. With healthy economic growth, rising foreign direct investment and exports, the two governments have been able to achieve macroeconomic stabilisation and improve the living conditions of most of their citizens. But corruption remains widespread and doubts persist about the independence and efficiency of their judicial systems. The integration of Roma minorities and the freedom of the press are also points which arise regularly in the European Commission's evaluations.

But rising hostility to the EU constitution in France ahead of a 29 May referendum has prompted fears that the enlargement could be derailed if the French or any other national group reject the EU constitution.

The Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu believes that the French debate on the EU constitution might have played a role in the decision of some political groups in the Parliament to ask for a delay to the assent vote.

But Traian Basescu, Romania's outspoken president, says any delay to his country's accession to the EU will be down to the Romanian authorities' failure to get into the EU.

"I think nobody will want to play games with Romania. If Romania does not join the EU in 2007, the only reason for this would be our own inefficiency. The integration process is now dependent only on what we do inside our country. It is an internal process, depending on Romania."

Until a few years ago, the main irritant in EU-Bulgaria relations was the Soviet-designed nuclear plant Kozloduy, 200km north of Sofia.

Condemned as one of the world's most dangerous nuclear installations by the US Department of Energy, the Bulgarian government had nonetheless been resisting EU pressure to close four of its six reactors. After a protracted dispute, it began decommissioning them in late 2002.

This move has helped ease the tension between Sofia and Brussels but still leaves many questions to be resolved. Geoffrey Van Orden, the European Parliament's rapporteur on Bulgaria, has urged the EU institutions to allow some leeway in the timetable for decommissioning. As Kozloduy has been meeting roughly half of the country's energy needs, fears have been voiced about power blackouts occurring as it is scaled down.

The spotlight on Sofia has now turned more towards judicial reform, with the European Commission adamant that this be the overarching priority. But with elections scheduled for June, major initiatives are unlikely to be imminent.

Still, there appears to be some determination among at least part of the political elite that concrete steps be taken before the Commission publishes its annual monitoring report on Bulgaria in November. This could explain the qualified welcome from European Affairs Minister Meglena Kuneva to the blessing which MEPs gave to Bulgaria last week: "We could say well done but we should know that a very serious exam awaits us in November and that the EU will stand for no nonsense."

Article reports on the state of affairs concerning the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, scheduled for 1 January 2007. Accession could be delayed by one year under the terms of a 'safeguard clause' if the country in question was thought not to fulfil the membership conditions.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Enlargement: Bulgaria
European Commission: DG Enlargement: Romania

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