Spain: Terror before an election

Series Title
Series Details No.8366, 13.3.04
Publication Date 13/03/2004
Content Type ,

Date: 13/03/04

A co-ordinated series of bombings sows carnage in Madrid

COMING just three days before a general election which the ruling conservatives now seem even more likely to win, it was the worst terrorist outrage of recent times in Western Europe. In a series of co-ordinated blasts in three railway stations in Madrid, including its biggest one, Atocha, at least 170 people were reported to have perished in the morning rush-hour.

The Spanish authorities were quick to say that the perpetrators were members of ETA, the Basque separatist group, which has been using terror for more than 30 years in its campaign to win full independence for the already autonomous region of north-western Spain. Jose Mara Aznar, the outgoing prime minister, vowed to crush this “terrorist band”.

This would be easily ETA's biggest act of bloodshed, far worse than the death of 21 people it blew up in a supermarket in 1987. Indeed, the scale of the attack and the apparent absence of a warning prompted speculation that this might not be ETA's work. ETA, moreover, has almost always claimed responsibility for its deeds. This time, Arnaldo Otegi, a politician close to the movement, denied that the group was responsible, pointing a finger instead at the “Arab resistance”.

The sad truth is that Spain is a target for both kinds of terrorist. Mr Aznar has been a leading supporter of America's “war against terror” and has backed the Americans, with troops, in Iraq (and the anniversary of that war falls next week). On the other hand, only two weeks ago Spain's security forces seized a huge load of ETA explosives destined for Madrid. Last December Spanish police said they had foiled an ETA plot to blow up a train in a Madrid station. And in the summer police arrested an ETA cell that had planted explosives on a railway track outside Madrid.

In any event, the scale of the attack has shaken and angered Spaniards, including Basques, as never before. In the past eight years, under the People's Party (PP), Spain has gained in confidence. Its economy is buoyant, having grown at an annual average of 3.6% for the past seven years. Its standing on the world stage is higher. And, under the stern Mr Aznar, it even seemed to be getting on top of the Basque terrorists. Last year, ETA, which has killed over 800 people in the past 30-odd years, managed to kill only three.

So the attack has served as a painful reminder that Spain's regional animosities are unresolved. Beating terrorism has been a priority for Mr Aznar. Both his PP and the security services reckoned that ETA was on the ropes after two years of successes on both sides of the Franco-Spanish border. The group was known to have wanted to pull off a spectacular to show that it still counts. In the last general election, four years ago, its political arm won almost 8% of the votes in the Basque region. But Mr Aznar banned it two years ago.

Yet if this was an ETA attack, it may smack of desperation. Under the auspices of Mr Aznar's anointed successor, Mariano Rajoy, the PP has been cruising towards its third election victory in a row, with latest opinion polls giving it a lead of around six percentage points. The question in politicians' minds was whether Mr Rajoy and his party would be able to form a government on their own or whether they would have to team up with a regional partner, such as the conservative but moderate Catalan nationalists. Now the PP has a better chance of ruling alone.

Even then, regional politics would be likely to create continuing tension. In the election run-up, the Basque regional premier, Juan Jose Ibarretxe, of the non-violent Basque Nationalist Party that dominates in the region, has continued to promote a plan for a referendum on the Basques' claimed right to self-determination. The aspirations of both Basques and Catalans to wrest more power from the centre, and the PP's fierce opposition to such notions, have created unprecedented crispacin, or political tension.

This had already risen sharply earlier this year when it was revealed that the Catalan regional government's number two, Josep Llus Carod-Rovira, a left-wing nationalist whose party is in a ruling coalition with the Socialists in Catalonia, had secretly met ETA leaders with a view to brokering a ceasefire - but only in Catalonia. The bad blood was stirred still more when a senior Socialist suggested that the discovery of explosives a few weeks ago had been a put-up job by the PP. The Socialists will not make such claims now. But their chances of taking office next week, in Madrid, look even slimmer.

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