Vocational education and training – key to the future: Lisbon-Copenhagen-Maastricht: Mobilising for 2010

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 07/12/2004
ISBN 92-896-0329-1
EC TI-63-04-771-EN-C
Content Type

This report puts together the main findings of a study (Maastricht study, Leney et al., 2004) which was commissioned by the European Commission in early 2004) examining developments in vocational education and training (VET) and progress towards the Lisbon and Copenhagen goals in 31 European countries. The report considers key challenges facing VET and looks at efforts made at national and European levels. It compares and contrasts the state of VET in Europe with competitor countries, such as Australia, Canada and the United States. The report puts forward conclusions and recommendations for future action to improve the contribution of VET to meeting the Lisbon goal.

Source Link http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/publications/13109.aspx
Related Links
European Commission: DG Education and Culture: Education and training: Policy areas: Education and training 2010 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/education/policies/2010/et_2010_en.html
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Education: Press Briefing Note, 7.12.04 http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/news/briefing-notes.aspx

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