The report on the implementation of the 2003 – 2005 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.1, 2004
Publication Date 2004
ISSN 0379-0991
Content Type ,

The Commission presented a detailed and thorough report on the action taken (or planned) in the course of 2003 in response to the 2003-05 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (BEPGs). The report is an important tool for monitoring progress. The report consists of two parts: The first part is a Commission Communication. It presents a first evaluation of the degree of implementation of the 2003-05 BEPGs so far. In so doing, it mentions Member States where necessary.

The second part is a working document of the Commission services. It presents a first assessment for each Member States individually on the degree of implementation of the country-specific recommendations in the 2003-05 BEPGs.

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Related Links
European Commission: IP/04/74: Commission sets priorities for catching up with Lisbon agenda

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions