Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Publisher | EU |
Publication Date | 2018 |
Content Type | Key Source, Policy-making |
The idea of Trans-European Networks (TEN in the EU jargon) emerged by the end of the 1980s in conjunction with the proposed Single Market. It made little sense to talk of a big market, with freedom of movement within it for goods, persons and services, unless the various regions and national networks making up that market were properly linked by modern and efficient infrastructure. Networks were proposed in the areas of transport, energy and telecommunications. A TENs portal existed but which was not updated after 2008, although still available after this date. It continued to offer hyperlinks through to separate up-to-date websites for transport, energy and telecommunication TENs. The TENs portal has now been withdrawn |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry, Energy, Mobility and Transport, Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |