Baltic tigress: Dalia Grybauskaite

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Series Details Vol.10, No.21, 10.6.04
Publication Date 10/06/2004
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By Martin Banks

Date: 10/06/04

YOU certainly wouldn't want to cross swords with Dalia Grybauskaite. Like former UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher, with whom she's often compared, the Lithuanian commissioner is a formidable lady.

And it's not just a penchant for strict fiscal policies they share in common.

While the Iron Lady was known to wield her handbag when things didn't go her way, the equally straight-talking, square-jawed Grybauskaite can call upon a potentially far more damaging weapon - finely honed karate skills.

Although she hasn't thrown a kick in anger, or otherwise, for four years (swimming is now her preferred leisure pursuit), her expertise in the martial arts does serve to underline her 'tough-as-nails' reputation.

Though a karate black belt, her interest extends well beyond the sport itself and led to a fascination with Buddhism, something she says taught her to develop an "inner strength". And she's certainly had to draw on it - from working in a Russian factory to transforming Lithuania from Baltic laggard to Baltic Tiger.

"You can defend yourself against someone three times your size as long as you have an inner courage and concentration."

She's talking about karate but, in her case, it could just as easily be a self-penned lifestyle statement.

Tall with wavy blonde hair and always composed, here is a single-minded woman who grew up in the shadow of the mighty Soviet empire and went on to really make her mark in life.

She was raised as an only child in an ordinary Vilnius apartment to a shop-working mother (she died in 1989) and a father who toiled for most of his life in mundane factory and driving jobs. Taught from an early age to be independent, she was allowed to choose, at just seven, which school she wanted to attend.

Given a choice of two, she chose not, as you might think, the one nearest to home but one which, crucially for her, taught English and had the best local reputation.

After school, her burning ambition was to study political economics but the nearest university running such a course was Leningrad (now St Petersburg).

As a non-Russian, she had to get manual work to study in the country, hence the job at a Leningrad fur-products factory.

"I would study during the day and worked up to eight hours in the factory at night," she says. "It was hard, physical work which lasted five years, but it was worth it because it meant I was able to do the course of my choice."

Newly qualified, she returned home in 1983 to teach economics at a Vilnius high school before moving back to Russia to study for her PhD in Moscow.

Her economics background and, crucially, wide knowledge of western languages (she speaks four), alerted the headhunters.

So it was little surprise that, in 1991, when Lithuania gained its independence after being part of the Soviet Union for more than 50 years, she got her first job in politics.

Though she's never been a member of any political party, she wasn't slow to make her mark and, as director of economic relations in the Lithuanian foreign ministry, was responsible for the creation of a free-trade deal between her country and the EU.

In 1994 she moved to Brussels to head her country's mission to the EU. A three-year stint as number two at the Lithuanian embassy in Washington followed.

It was while in the United States - at the age of 40 - that she got her black belt, typically in just over three years, two less than it normally takes.

She originally wanted to do yoga but changed her mind when her trainer said her "character" and kicking ability were more suited to the martial arts.

After a short spell as deputy foreign minister, the country's new premier Algirdas Brazauskas appointed her Lithuania's finance minister in 2001.

At a time of economic and political instability in the country (there had been 12 governments - and 11 finance ministers - in 14 years), Grybauskaite soon earned a reputation as a backer of strict fiscal policy and, on several occasions, opposed plans to increase funds to particular social groups, such as farmers.

She went on to become Lithuania's longest-serving finance minister and is widely credited with having played a key role in transforming the country's economy, a feat for which she's not slow to claim credit:

"I knew what I wanted to do and went for it very systematically." The figures speak for themselves: Lithuania's gross domestic product grew from 4% to almost 9% during her tenure.

Lithuania's current Deputy Finance Minister Vitas Vasiliauskas rates Grybauskaite as the "best" boss he's ever had, saying she was largely responsible for pushing through a raft of much-needed economic reforms, particularly in the field of taxation.

"Lithuania did it later than some other candidate countries, but she's a very determined woman and, once she knows what she wants, she doesn't let go."

He adds: "I enjoyed working for her. She gives you your freedom but you are always made fully aware of your responsibilities."

Vasiliauskas is not alone in saying that the EU's gain is Lithuania's loss. Her nomination as commissioner was unopposed and, despite being despatched to Brussels, she remains second (behind the social affairs minister) in the country's popularity polls. There are, perhaps not unfounded, fears the country's economy may take a tumble without her at its economic helm.

Indeed, Andrius Kubilus, Lithuanian Conservative party leader, responding to her appointment, recently asked: "With her in Brussels, only one problem remains: how will we cope without her?"

Given her background and lack of direct experience in the policy area, it was, therefore, "surprising", to quote Grybauskaite herself, that European Commission President Romano Prodi gave her the low-profile shadow post in culture and education.

While not hiding her desire for an economics portfolio when the new Commission takes up office in the autumn, Grybauskaite, meantime, remains "happy" to learn her trade as a commissioner.

The new intakes may have been dubbed 'trainees in Mercedes', but she's dispensed with one of her two chauffeurs and mostly drives herself around.

As one who was instrumental in reshaping her country after the Cold War, she pledges to remain a "pusher" for reform and "will be on the side that is most supportive of reforms because we [Lithuanians] know what it means not to do that".

Speaking after Grybauskaite's recent confirmation hearing at the European Parliament, French Socialist MEP Michel Rocard, the culture committee chairman, was "left in no doubt" as to both her European credentials and suitability for whatever post she eventually gets.

While the identity of that job remains unclear, what is certain is that her cabinet will have to meet very high standards.

Though balking at comparisons with Thatcher, like Mrs T she can get by on barely six hours sleep per night, is a stickler for punctuality and is at her office in Brussels' rue Belliard soon after 7am.

Former economics journalist Rima Kaziliuniene, a member of her current cabinet, admits Grybauskaite, is the "most difficult" boss she's ever had, before diplomatically adding: "She's also fair, knows what she wants and has great team-building skills. This is the third time I've worked for her so she can't be that bad!"

Grybauskaite concurs, saying: "I can be difficult but am very loyal and protective to my staff."

But, as with most perfectionists, she admits she can be abrupt and impatient and certainly doesn't suffer fools gladly.

She professes to have no regrets, including still being single and childless at the age of 48, yet insists she isn't married to her job. Then, pausing for a second, she adds: "Maybe my work has compensated for never having had children."

Interestingly, her expected five-year term as commissioner is due to end in 2009, when Lithuania celebrates 1,000 years of existence.

Although she tries not to plan too far ahead, she is a patriot and will "never forget her roots", something the English-language Baltic Times seized upon as it recently speculated as to the identity of the country's next president.

One former aide declined to be drawn on a Grybauskaite presidential bid, however, saying: "She never answers a question that begins with 'if'."

For someone as focused as this 'Baltic Thatcher', that would be far too equivocal.

Profile of Dalia Grybauskaite, Lithuania's new European Commissioner.

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