‘Union must stay vigilant on Taiwan separatism’

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.10, No.3, 29.1.04
Publication Date 29/01/2004
Content Type

Date: 29/01/04

PC: WHY is the EU's current 'one-China policy' the right one?

LK: The reason is very simple. There is but one-China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. This is a fact that is duly recognized by international law and universally accepted by the international community. Although the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are not yet unified, this abnormal state of affairs cannot change the legal status of Taiwan being part of Chinese territory.

The one-China principle is an important political basis of China-EU relations. The healthy development of Sino-EU relations relies on the correct handling of the Taiwan issue. Deviation from the one-China principle on issues related to Taiwan will only bring damage to the interests of both China and the EU, and will not conform with world peace and stability either.

Through nearly 30 years of development, China-EU relations have entered an all-round and healthy path, and are marching towards a "comprehensive strategic partnership". Facts have proven that the development of Sino-EU relations is in conformity with the interests of the two sides, and brings about mutual success and prosperity. We appreciate that the EU adheres to its one-China policy and hope the EU would continue to strictly abide by it, correctly handle the Taiwan issue, and jointly promote the further development of Sino-EU relations together with the Chinese side.

How do you think Taiwan and its government should conduct itself in the European Union? Is Taipei overstepping the mark by stressing greater political links with the EU?

The Chinese government's stand on this is clear and consistent. We have no objections to economic and trade exchanges between the Taiwan region of China and countries that have diplomatic relations with China including the EU. However, we are opposed to any contacts or exchanges which have any official nature. In order to achieve its ulterior political motives, the Taiwan authorities, with Chen Shui-bian as its representative, spare no effort in carrying out 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities. Therefore, we hope that the European Union will keep vigilant against the ill nature of the Taiwan authorities.

What action might China take if it sensed the EU were favouring Taiwan politically?

At the sixth China-EU summit held late last October, the European Union reiterated its one-China policy in the 'joint press communiqué'. The Chinese side has noticed with appreciation that EU leaders have expressed on different occasions the Union's adherence to its one-China policy. It is my firm belief that on issues related to Taiwan, any European leaders with vision and responsibility would not act in ways that run counter to the fundamental interests of the Europeans, undermine the sound development of China-EU relations, and hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

What is your position regarding the forthcoming referendum in Taiwan? To what extent is it a genuine threat to the status quo?

We fully respect the Taiwan compatriots' desire to be masters of their own destiny and develop democracy. We are more than happy to see our Taiwan compatriots live and work in peace, content and harmony. The Chinese government has reiterated many times that we will exert our utmost to solve the Taiwan question in peaceful ways. We will not give up our peaceful efforts so long as a glimmer of hope still exists.

Totally disregarding the interests of the people in Taiwan and universal opposition by the international community, and using peace and democracy as camouflage, Chen Shui-bian stubbornly pushes for the referendum to heighten tension between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and sabotage cross-strait relations.

This move of unilateral provocation to the peace and stability across the straits is in nature a bid to prepare for 'Taiwan independence' under such a pretext in future. We strongly oppose such a stubborn move, which threatens to split China. Chen Shui-bian's risky acts of 'Taiwan independence' constitute not only severe provocation to the 1.3 billion Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots, but also a major threat to the peace and stability of both sides of the straits and Asia-Pacific region as well.

Are you happy with the level of support that the European Union has extended to China on this issue?

We appreciate the EU's adherence to the one-China policy, and hope that the EU would deal with the referendum based on the above-mentioned policy.

Looking to the future, what do you see as the likely evolution of EU-Taiwan affairs?

We hope relations between the EU and Taiwan will always be conducted within the framework of the one-China policy. We hold no opposition to the exchanges and communication in such fields as economics and trade.

Meanwhile, we hope that the EU side will keep vigilant against the political motives of the Taiwan authorities and refrain from official contacts and exchanges in any forms with Taiwan.

Interview with Lei Kezhong, a People's Republic of China diplomat to the European Union, in which he discusses how the EU should handle Taiwan.

Source Link http://www.european-voice.com/
Related Links
http://www.eeas.europa.eu/china/index_en.htm http://www.eeas.europa.eu/china/index_en.htm
http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relations/taiwan/intro/index.htm http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relations/taiwan/intro/index.htm

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