Lisbon or bust for Irish presidency

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Series Details Vol.10, No.6, 19.2.04
Publication Date 19/02/2004
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By Peter Chapman

Date: 19/02/04

IRISH premier Bertie Ahern is planning an all-out assault to revitalize the EU's flagging Lisbon agenda of economic reforms, the draft conclusions of next month's summit, seen by this newspaper, show.

Ahern, current chair of the European Council, will ask government leaders to sign-off on a reform blueprint at their 25-26 March summit. It will include a raft of measures to monitor the Union's spluttering bid to become the world's most dynamic economy by 2010.

"The challenges ahead are formidable but Europe has the will and capacity to achieve its economic potential," the draft conclusions note.

The paper states the main goal is to deliver "sustainable growth" and "more and better jobs" - insisting that an overall jobless rate of 8% is "unacceptable".

To make that happen, the paper goes on, member states must address "the unacceptably high deficits in transposing measures into national law" and focus on "completing the legislative programme arising from the Lisbon agenda".

It urges EU governments to set a final date for adopting the eagerly awaited community patent scheme, boost efforts to open labour markets, improve conditions for EU researchers and cut barriers stopping older citizens finding jobs.

Also, member states must reach agreement on a new directive opening up the Union's fragmented service markets by 2005.

Two key financial services laws on investment services and transparency of listed companies must be approved by the end of the current European Parliament legislature, the paper adds.

Public finances - a touchy subject after finance ministers and the European Commission's clash over moves to punish Germany and France for their excessive budget deficits - is also given priority.

"Member states must ensure that the budgetary consolidation process continues in order to achieve budgets that are close to balance or in surplus, and to reduce government indebtedness in line with the discipline of the Stability and Growth Pact," states the paper. To ensure the reforms materialize, the presidency calls for a massive review of the Lisbon agenda to be completed by the same time next year - at the fifth anniversary of its launch.

The Commission will be told to set up a high-level group to "to carry out an independent review", according to the paper. "Its report should identify measures to be adopted which will strengthen the Lisbon agenda and achieve its objectives and targets". The deadline for delivery is 1 November, when a new Commission team takes office.

Member states are urged to build "reform partnerships" between governments, "social partners" and campaign groups to devise "strategies for change". These partnerships will also be asked to contribute to the mid-term review.

The presidency's Lisbon assault chimes with the stated aim of the UK, France and Germany, which met this week at an exclusive summit in Berlin. One of the key issues on the agenda was ways to give more impetus to economic reforms - seen as a tough sell to national voters and workers.

The Irish Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern, is hoping that European Union leaders meeting at the Spring European Council on 25-26 March 2004 will agree on a reform blueprint to transpose measures into national law and complete the legislative programme arising from the Lisbon agenda.

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European Commission: IP/04/74: Commission sets priorities for catching up with Lisbon agenda

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