Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, April 2003

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Publication Date April 2003
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EU Competition Law Online

Based on EU Competition Law CD-ROM, which was first released in 1997, the new web version of the database just launched is co-published by Ellis Publications and Kluwer Law International. It covers a range of official and other sources including the relevant Treaty articles, legislation, new proposals, case law, merger decisions, state aid documents, reports on competition policy, international agreements, national competition regulations, Kluwer's Merger Control Reporter and Competition law in Western Europe and the USA, and other relevant material from official sources.

Similar in presentation to OJ Online from the same stable, the left menu bar allows you to navigate around the search options while on the top right of the screen you find the help and log off links. Search options cover Quick Search, Quick Track, Antitrust, Mergers, Liberalisation, State Aid, Case Law, International, National, Press Releases, Reports and What's New. The search templates are tailored to suit the various document types in each section but can also be customised, while the Quick Search option searches across the board unless limiting to a specific section is selected.

Phrase searching, Boolean operators, truncation and masking are supported. Additionally terms linked by a “with” mean that both words must be found within the same paragraph. Examples of how to enter a search are shown on the screen, and fields can be combined using AND, OR or NOT. Most of the templates allow selection of terms from the index reached by clicking on the icon next to the box where search terms are entered.

The summary list displays twenty records at a time; the full record display offers a choice of text, full analytical or pdf (where available). The options to move around the summary list are simple and self-explanatory. Cross-referencing provides links to related documents. Records can be marked to save or e-mail results. Choose the output tab, then select either save to disk or e-mail, which records you want and the format required. To print either the summary list or a document text simply click on the print tab, or if you want to print selected text only, highlight the relevant section and click the right mouse button, then select Print from the pop-up menu. Where you have saved records, pdf links will be embedded in the document and clicking on the link will open EU Competition Law Online. You can of course save a document in pdf from within the database by right clicking the mouse button and selecting “Save Target as” from the pop-up menu.

The Quick Track feature allows users to monitor case law and merger decision developments by case number. In the National legislation and commentary section Switzerland and the USA are included as well as EU countries. The full text of entire legislative acts is not necessarily available, just the relevant articles. What's New enables users to search records added to the database that morning or in the last 2, 3, 4, or 5 days. The search can be further limited by keywords or by a particular sector. Though the database is updated daily, a closer examination is needed of the actual dates of the material added. Under test, examples of relevant press releases did not appear in the database the following day - there seemed to be a two day gap, though it is not clear if this is the normal pattern.

Once you have created a personal account, other useful features are the ability to save search queries and to receive an e-mail alert service based on a search profile. Full details of how to do this can be found in the online Help pages.

The online version of the database benefits from daily updates, giving it a considerable advantage over the quarterly CD-ROM even without taking into account the alert and saved search features. It is straightforward to search and navigate and it is easy to save records in the format of your choice. It does bring together a wide range of official sources on competition law, together with press releases and other non-official material. Whether this restricted subject sector of data offers enough added value to justify its price tag may depend on the level of usage you make of it, the convenience of having a range of (many free) resources brought together under one easy to search interface and whether you already have access to other subscription sources that cover at least some of the content. The standard annual price for single user access is £1100 / 1500 euro, but there is a special introductory offer of £860 / 1250 euro for those who subscribe before 30 May 2003. To test it for yourself take up the free trial offer by visiting and registering online. Note too that you can post your feedback comments online via the link on the top menu bar of the database.

Alternatively, for more information you can contact Tom Delsaer at:

ELLIS Publications
PO Box 1059
6201 BB Maastricht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)43-321-5313
Fax: +31 (0)43-325-3959

European Judicial Network

This new site has been mounted on Europa's Justice and home Affairs pages at with the aim of simplifying the process of transnational litigation. The initiative resulted from a special meeting of the Council on freedom, security and justice, held in Finland in 1999. A number of steps were proposed to improve access to justice, both for individuals and for commercial companies. Out of this, as agreed by a Council Decision adopted in May 2001, came the establishment of a network of national authorities with responsibility for civil and commercial law. Network representatives now meet on a regular basis to improve co-operation between member states. The network's web site seeks to provide information not just about the EU but about the different national systems of civil and commercial law of the member states, as well as that of international organisations such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe. It will be of use not just to individuals and companies, but also to the legal profession in creating an awareness and better understanding of how other countries systems work. What is does not aim to do is give legal answers or advice in cases of specific problems.

Available in all eleven current official languages, the site is organised under a number of themes, though while the site is still being built up not all pages are fully constructed. To navigate, select a theme from the left menu bar. This will bring up general information about the topic. Themes covered include, for example, legal order, organisation of justice, legal professions, legal aid, jurisdiction, bringing a case to court, taking of evidence, enforcement, divorce, parental responsibility, maintenance claims, and compensation. On the right hand side of the screen are the flags of the EU and the member states (except Denmark). Bottom of the list is a world map. To find information about legal aid in Belgium, select the theme then click on the Belgian flag to display the information which also includes links to other relevant sites. Clicking on the world map will give details of the work of international organisations on this topic. Once fully established this site should do much to help make clear how other legal systems operate. Given the breadth of information collated on one site it will provide an excellent starting point for many legal enquiries.

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