Author (Person) | Coffey, Peter |
Publisher | Edward Elgar |
Publication Date | 2003 |
ISBN | 1-84376-039-8 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Abstract: The author acknowledges in his opening remarks that once again Europe is at a crossroads - and one might reflect how few journeys are made without meeting frequent crossroads. It is part of the process of travelling, but nevertheless some crossroads do warrant particular attention, and the one currently facing the EU is one such event. The work is organised in five parts. Enlargement and the issues surrounding it, such as membership criteria and the accession process, are the focus of part one. Money matters - namely the euro and EMU - are dealt with in part two. Institutional reform and policy revision are examined in part three, where the author throws in some suggestions of his own for policy changes. Part four reviews the European Convention. Part five considers the future, exploring such issues as common foreign and defence policies, environmental issues and the role of the EU on the international stage. The work will interest scholars and students of European studies, as well as political leaders and those with business interests in Europe. Peter Coffey is Emeritus Professor and former holder of the US West Chair at the University of St Thomas, Minnesota. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |