Anti-capitalists released after hunger strike in Greece

Series Title
Series Details Vol.9, No.40, 27.11.03, p2
Publication Date 27/11/2003
Content Type

Date: 27/11/03

A GREEK court yesterday (26 November) ordered the release of five anti-capitalists who are seriously ill on hunger strike.

The five, two Spaniards, a Briton, a Syrian and a Greek citizen, were held after riots in June at the European summit in Thessaloniki.

They face charges of possessing explosives and weapons but say evidence was planted on them by police.

The order to free them was given by a court in Athens, on condition that they remain in Greece until their trial.

The move was welcomed as "wonderful news" by Stephen Jakobi, director of UK-based campaign group Fair Trials Abroad, which has taken up the men's case.

"These men now face a long haul as they regain fitness. This was not just a case of maladministration but one which shows the weakness of a justice system when it fails to implement fundamental rights."

  • Jakobi is one of the nominees for the EV50 Europeans of the Year awards. The winners will be announced at a gala dinner on Tuesday (2 December).
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