Solana in Congo

Series Title
Series Details Vol.9, No.27, 17.7.03, p1
Publication Date 17/07/2003
Content Type


JAVIER Solana saw first-hand the challenges which the EU-led Operation Artemis in Congo is facing when he travelled to the war-ravaged city of Bunia yesterday (16 July).

Some 1,400 soldiers, mostly French, are taking part in the operation, aimed at preventing ethnic strife between the Hema and Lendu militia from escalating.

During his Africa visit, the Union's high representative for foreign affairs also held talks with Congolese President Joseph Kabila and his Ugandan and Rwandan counterparts, Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame.

Solana's stay in Congo coincides with the installation of a new transitional administration in Congo, pieced together as part of efforts to end five years of bloodshed.

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Countries / Regions