Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, October 2002

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Publication Date 2002
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PreLex, the database of the Secretariat General of the Commission which monitors the decision-making process, has been given a new look. Visit to check out the changes. Basically it still has the same functionality with the three search options: standard, advanced and monitoring the decision-making process. However different colours have been used to try to make it easier to distinguish different parts of the record. The main structural change is the timetable guide at the top of the full record. It is a graphic representation of the various stages that the document passes through and the timing of the activities of the different institutions involved in the process from proposal to signature of the adopted legislation. If you point your mouse at the blue markers on the bars, a date and note of the action it represents will appear. The database also now offers a direct link to its partner database, OEIL which monitors the process from the Parliament's viewpoint. On recent tests where no hits were returned, the result was a confusingly blank screen with no explanation that nothing had been found. Disappointingly too the problem of dead links still exists where material has been withdrawn for Eur-Lex, but despite these quibbles this is an invaluable source to track the progress of on-going work.

Environment Networks

The European Commission launched an initiative in May 2002 to support and co-ordinate all European networks providing environmental information and communicating and raising awareness of environmental issues. The web site of the European Environmental Communication Networks has now been launched at It includes information about the networks, details of events and funding, a downloadable newsletter, and useful links. Sadly the helpful sounding option, Database of Contacts is not available online. The information can only be obtained by contacting the European Environmental Communication Networks Secretariat, which is providing services to the network on behalf of the Commission and is based in London.

Eurostat home page

Eurostat now has a new home page with a much less cluttered look. Although the pages behind the home page remain the same, the new page provides a much more accessible entry point. The various options such as activities, services, publications and themes are grouped under clear headings and using the mouse rollover makes further options apparent. What is particularly useful is the clear labelling of what is available free of charge. Previously it was not at all obvious what had to be paid for and what was free. Now, for example pointing the mouse at “Themes” produces a list of the nine available options with further information opening up on each. Highlighting “Population and Social Conditions” brings up a further list where the series Statistics in Focus, Key indicators and Working papers and studies are marked “Free”. As well as being able to choose an individual series title at this stage, there is also the full view option which links to the main page for that theme. For those who have registered access to the site, the login box is clearly placed in the top right of the home page screen.

Election for a new European Ombudsman

The process is now under way to select a replacement for the retiring European Ombudsman, Mr Jacob Söderman - the first person to hold the office. His successor will be elected to the post until the end of the current parliamentary term in 2004. A web page has been set up on the Parliament's site to provide information to the MEPs who will make the selection and to ensure, as far as the public are concerned, that the process is conducted in an appropriately transparent manner. Details of the call for applications, rules of procedure, the candidates, their applications and the timetable can be found at

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