Call to boost foreign role of Commission President

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Series Details Vol.8, No.41, 14.11.02, p6
Publication Date 14/11/2002
Content Type

Date: 14/11/02

By Martin Banks

THE President of the European Commission should have more power over foreign affairs, the future of Europe Convention's working group on external action is set to suggest.

Peter Balazs, the Hungarian government representative on the Convention and a member of the working group, told European Voice that the group will call for a 'beefing up' of the status of the Commission's president.

'Basically, we are saying that whoever occupies the position should have more power in the field of external relations and enjoy the support of member states.

'This would mean, for example, that the US president would know exactly who to call at the EU in times of international crisis.'

He said there was little enthusiasm, particularly among representatives from candidate countries, for the idea - touted by leaders of France, Spain and the UK - of an EU president.

The group, which is expected to put its recommendations to the Convention in the next fortnight, will also call for a 'modernisation' of the EU's six-month rotating presidency, says Balazs.

He added: 'My personal preference is for a 'group presidency', under which up to three countries would hold the presidency for 12 months instead of the current six months.'

Meanwhile, Convention chairman Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's decision to set up a working group on social issues has been widely welcomed.

The former French president had been heavily criticised for 'sidelining' issues such as poverty, unemployment and discrimination from the debate.

Belgian Socialist deputy, Anne van Lancker, who had spearheaded calls for the Convention to discuss a 'social Europe', said: 'I am delighted Giscard has finally decided to set up a group which can look at things like sexual equality, full employment and good public services.

'These are the social policies which we hope will be incorporated into the constitutional treaty. However, the EU must also be granted the power to enforce such goals.'

German MEP Sylvia Kaufmann said: 'Giscard has shown he can be quite selective in what he listens to, but I am pleased that on this he has listened to us.'

The President of the European Commission should have more power over foreign affairs, the future of Europe Convention's working group on external action is set to suggest.

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