Late concessions set to secure support for fishing reforms

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Series Details Vol.8, No.45, 12.12.02, p2
Publication Date 12/12/2002
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Date: 12/12/02

By David Cronin

EU OFFICIALS believe a radical reform of the 20-year-old Common Fisheries Policy could be agreed next week if last-minute concessions are granted to Greece and Italy.

The two countries belong to the "Friends of Fishing" alliance - along with Spain, France, Portugal and Ireland - which is strongly opposed to European Commission attempts to halt public aid for modernising the Union's fleet.

Combined, the six countries have enough votes to block the reform - designed to prevent fish stocks from collapsing - at next week's meeting of EU marine ministers (16-19 December).

But a proposal to modify the plan by allowing aid for vessels under 12 metres in length could force the anti-reform alliance to disintegrate.

Some 93 of Greek boats and nearly 70 of Italian ones fall below that threshold.

There is speculation too that Ireland might be willing to back a revised reform if there is an acceptable deal on the "Irish Box", an 80-kilometre exclusion zone in the Irish Sea. At present, only 40 Spanish vessels are allowed to fish there and Madrid wants the area opened up. Ireland, however, will be keen to keep strong restrictions.

"Our position is that we can't defend arbitrary discrimination against Spain," said an aide to Franz Fischler, the EU's fisheries commissioner.

"But if the Spanish get access [to the Irish Box], then we will have to set up a system whereby stocks can be preserved."

The Commission yesterday (11 December) set out its proposals for how much fish may be caught in European waters next year. These will also be discussed by marine ministers next week in talks which could last several days before a final deal emerges.

The most drastic cuts suggested - in some cases nearly 80 below catch levels for 2002 - cover cod. These follow recommendations by the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas for a moratorium on cod fishing in the North Sea, Irish Sea and off Scotland's west coast. In a letter to European fishermens' groups, Fischler urged coastal communities to support reform as they would bear the brunt of eventual stock collapses. "The North Sea cod stock now stands at only 37,000 tonnes," he said.

"Yet if it was managed properly it could yield up to 200,000 tonnes of fish a year. Reform is the only chance we have of securing a better future for Europe's fishing industry."

EU officials believe a radical reform of the 20-year-old Common Fisheries Policy could be agreed at the forthcoming meeting of EU marine ministers, 16-19 December 2002, if last-minute concessions are granted to Greece and Italy.

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