Fischler firm on fleet reduction

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.8, No.20, 23.5.02, p2
Publication Date 23/05/2002
Content Type

Date: 23/05/02

By David Cronin

FISHERIES chief Franz Fischler insists his controversial plans to reduce the size of the EU's fleet will not be weakened, despite bitter opposition led by Spain.

Next Tuesday (28 May), the Austrian commissioner will ask his colleagues to endorse far-reaching reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy - more than a month after they were scheduled to approve the package.

A draft of the proposal, obtained by European Voice, states that the EU fleet needs to be cut by 30-60 if fish stocks are to be conserved.

Member states will be 'required to keep the capacity of the fleet within agreed reference limits' and prevented from using public money to encourage the construction of new vessels from 2003.

The only exceptions to this rule would be measures to boost safety and technological improvements to avoid the targeting of fish species under threat.

Spain, which has the largest fleet in the Union, remains implacably opposed to the main thrust of Fischler's proposals.

Its concerns are shared by its allies in the 'Friends of Fishing' alliance: France, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Ireland.

Fischler's plans envisage that €600 million already earmarked for EU boat-building or modernisation schemes could be reallocated for social support in the communities worst affected.

A separate Commission proposal on the 'social, economic and regional consequences' of restructuring in the sector is due later this year.

While his paper concedes that the current state of most fish stocks in EU waters is 'not catastrophic', it predicts many could collapse if their rate of exploitation continues.

Average stocks of adult 'demersal' fish, which live near the bottom of the sea, shrank by 90 between the late 1970s and 1990s, it points out.

Among other key measures outlined in Fischler's paper are:

  • The use of nets with larger meshes to prevent catching undersized fish;
  • Bans on the discarding of unwanted fish, at least on a trial basis;
  • Uniform sanctions for fishermen who contravene EU rules;
  • The pooling of member states' fisheries inspection and surveillance activities; and,
  • An action plan to ensure fisheries agreements with the wider world only give EU vessels access to 'surplus' stocks.

Fisheries Commissioner Franz Fischler insists his controversial plans to reduce the size of the EU's fleet will not be weakened, despite bitter opposition by Member States.

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