Prodi plans for EU future get mixed Convention reaction

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Series Details Vol.8, No.20, 23.5.02, p2
Publication Date 23/05/2002
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Date: 23/05/02

By Martin Banks and David Cronin

SENIOR members of the Convention on the future of Europe are divided over proposals tabled by the European Commission on reform of the EU.

The plans, presented yesterday (22 May) by Commission President Romano Prodi, would give the institution a more powerful role in sensitive areas such as foreign and defence policy, as well as taxation.

They were announced to coincide with the latest meeting of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's Convention in Brussels.

Prodi's blueprint involves the following:

  • 'progressively' merging the role of the EU's foreign policy chief, currently answerable to the Council of Ministers, with that of the external relations commissioner and putting it under Commission control;
  • application of qualified majority voting rules to foreign policy and taxation;
  • incorporation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights into EU treaties;
  • tougher controls for the EU's external borders and clear rules on the right to asylum and status of immigrants;
  • establishment of a European public prosecutor to handle cases of EU funds being abused;
  • drafting a 'constitutional treaty'; and,
  • subjecting most EU laws to 'co-decision' between the Parliament, Commission and Council of Ministers.

But members of the Convention's praesidium, or steering group, were divided in their response to his suggestions.

Former Irish premier John Bruton said: 'It seems to be a case of aspirations running ahead of reality. Some of these proposals, such as giving Brussels a say in foreign and defence policy, may be desirable but they are not realistic. I don't believe the public are ready for things like harmonising tax across the Union.

'One of the problems is that the Commission is still seen as an undemocratic body.'

UK Socialist Gisela Stuart said: 'These proposals, particularly the apparent allusion to a European tax, give rise to concern. Rather than suggesting an extension of its powers, the Commission would be better advised to ensure that the things which currently fall within its remit

are properly enforced. I'd be extremely surprised if these proposals are accepted.'

However, the Commission's intervention was welcomed as a 'positive' contribution by another praesidium member, Spanish MEP Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, who said: 'So far, there has been a lack of presence from the Commission in the deliberations of the Convention but, clearly, it has done its homework with these plans. They are certainly ambitious, largely integrationist and appear to be quite sensible, but whether the Convention finds them acceptable remains to be seen.'

Prodi's plans also received a cautious welcome from Karel Lannoo, chief executive of the Brussels-based think-tank, Centre for European Policy Studies.

'Providing they have the right safeguards, it is a good package,' he said.

Giscard's spokesman, Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, described the plans as 'an important contribution to the debate'. He said the former French president would not be commenting on the plans.

  • The praesidium members who will head the Convention's six working groups, expected to meet for the first time next month, have been named as: Iñigo Méndez de Vigo (subsidiarity), Giuliano Amato (legal), António Vitorino (Charter of Fundamental Rights), Gisela Stuart (role of national parliaments), Henning Christophersen (EU competences) and Klaus Hänsch (economic policy).

Senior members of the Convention on the Future of Europe are divided over proposals tabled by the European Commission on reform of the EU. The plans, presented on 22 May 2002, would give the institution a more powerful role in sensitive areas such as foreign and defence policy, as well as taxation.

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